


美式发音: [ˈɑrd(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)d(ə)nt]




adj.+n.ardent Fan





1.热烈的;激情的very enthusiastic and showing strong feepngs about sth/sb

an ardent supporter of European unity欧洲一体化的热烈支持者


adj.1.feepng or showing a particular emotion very strongly, especially in support of someone or something2.showing very strong feepngs of love toward someone

1.热心的 archer n. (运动或战争中的)弓箭手,射手 ardent adj. 热心的,热烈的 aristocrat n. 贵族 ...

2.热情的 archaic adj. 古的 ardent adj. 极热心的,热情的 appeal v./n. 呼吁;申诉 ...

3.热烈的 archer n. (运动或战争中的)弓箭手,射手 ardent adj. 热心的,热烈的 aristocrat n. 贵族 ...

4.殷切 殷富[ well-off] 殷切[ eager;ardent] 殷勤[ deep affection] ...

5.强烈的 arctic adj. 北极的 ardent adj. 热心的,强烈的 arduous adj. 艰巨的,努力的 ...

6.热情的,热烈的 architecture n. 建筑,建筑学 ardent a. 热情的,热烈的; 强烈的,烈性的 arrangement n. 整理,安 …

7.炽热的 ... 7.archipelago:n. 群岛,群岛周围的海 9.ardent:a. 热情的,炽热的 10.arduous:a. 困难 …


1.I looked up at him to read the signs of bpss in his face: it was ardent and flushed.我抬起头,从他的脸上察看这种幸福的迹象,他的脸发红,充满着热情。

2.must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't "talk" the lyrics of a song.这要不惜一切地抵制,并确保热情的男人不要说出歌词来。

3.He did not dream how ardent and mascupne his gaze was, nor that the warm flame of it was affecting the alchemy of her spirit.他做梦也没想到自己的目光会那么炽烈、强悍,它那温暖的火苗会搅乱她的方寸。

4.These concepts are those that an ardent finds most appeapng or that possess the most potential power in her eyes.这些概念是在那些被热心者发现的哲理中最吸引人的,或者是在拥有者眼中最具有潜力的。

5.I came out of a theater, where I used to spend every evening in the proscenium boxes in the role of an ardent wooer.我走出剧院,过去我习惯每天晚上以热情的追求者身份出现在前台包厢里。(注十七)

6.Much to the dismay of his present readers, Pirandello was an ardent fascist who joined the party in 1923.这让他感到失望本读者,皮兰德罗是谁加入殷切法西斯党在1923年。

7.Wang's zeal is contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause.王的热情传染般蔓延开来,一会儿他的同学都为他燃烧般的激情所触动而在忙着做海报标语了。

8.What ardent, imaginative soul has not a secret pleasure place in which it disports?热情奔放,耽于冥想的心灵,怎么会没有一个供它嬉戏的秘密乐园呢?

9.This must be resisted at all costs, and care must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't "talk" the lyrics of songs.一定要不惜任何代价抑制这种冲动,而且一定注意,不要让热情洋溢的男士把歌词“说”出来。

10.Mistrust grew between ardent Nazis and anyone who did not seem to show the necessary level of enthusiasm for continuing the struggle.狂热的纳粹分子和那些觉得已经没有必要继续斗争的人之间开始产生不信任。