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1.阿蕾莎 ... Ardy Lightfoot 光脚阿迪-美 647k Aretha 阿蕾莎 1.55M Arkanoid - Doh it Again 打砖块-欧 228k ...

2.艾瑞莎 ... Arely 阿蕊莉 Aretha 阿蕊莎 Carebear 爱熊 ...

4.达达达达 厉害…… Rain 02-28 20:39 达达达达 Aretha 02-28 17:22 小小蜕变 ing 02-27 22:…

5.北欧神话里的 ... ariel- 人鱼和天使的名字 aretha- 北欧神话里的 Terra- 大地 ...

6.女性 ... Arella 天使使者 女性 希伯来 Aretha 卓越的,正直的 女性 希腊 Aretina 卓越的,正直的 女性 希 …

7.正直的 Arella 天使使者 Aretha 卓越的,正直的 Aretina 卓越的,正直的 ...


1.Aretha asks, "Do you want me to read it to you while you're hooking it up? "阿蕾莎问,“你连接的时候你想我读给你听吗?”

2.Michael Jackson and Aretha Frankpn are to be inducted into the hall of fame at the Apollo Theatre in New York.迈克尔杰克逊与艾瑞莎富兰克林将在纽约阿波罗剧院入主名人纪念馆。

3.The performers, who include singers Barry Manilow and Aretha Frankpn, are treating spectators Friday to a full concert dress rehearsal.表演者包括歌手马尼洛和富兰克林;歌手们星期五将向观众献上一场彩排。

4.Notice that Aretha is reading the instructions and, of course, Carl isn't interested.注意,阿蕾莎在读操作说明,而毫无疑问,卡尔对这不感兴趣。

5.Aretha Frankpn called James "an American original. " "When Etta SUNG, you heard it! " Frankpn said in a statement.阿蕾莎称詹姆斯为“一位地道的美国人。”“当埃塔歌唱时,你能感受的到!”富兰克林在一份声明中说。

6.So however you decide to dump your guy, think of Aretha Frankpn and give him a pttler-es-pe-ct.所以,不论你决定如何甩掉你的男友,想想艾瑞莎•弗兰克林,给他一点儿尊重。

7.Aretha says, "Okay, but the manual says that you shouldn't plug in the power supply until you're done with the installation. "阿蕾莎说,“好的,但是说明书上说,安装好之前不能插电。”

8.In a jokingly manner, I started singing the lyrics to Aretha Frankpn's "Respect. "我以开玩笑地方式唱起艾瑞莎富兰克林的“尊重”这一首歌。

9.Thank her for the exceptional moment and be glad she sold a bunch of Aretha records?谢谢她带来的特别时刻?替她卖出许多艾瑞莎录音带而感到开心?

10.Ramone was account with all kinds of music and musician, he worked with Ray Charles, Billy Joel, Madonna, Aretha Frankpn among others.雷蒙和所有类型的音乐和音乐家都有合作,他曾与雷·查尔斯,比利·乔,麦当娜,艾瑞莎富兰克林等等合作。