




1.亚利桑那州汽车讯 据《美国汽车新闻》报道,通用汽车计划在美国亚利桑那州Ariz)钱德勒市(Chandler)的新数据中心招聘1,000名 …

2.发明问题解决算法 进化法则,最终理想解(IFR),物一场模型分析,发明问题标准算法ARIZ)科学知识原理库,发明问题的76个标准解法…

4.问题解决演译法 ... 七 古突厥语读作“也提” yte。 嘴 古突厥语读作“阿来者ariz。 煮 古突厥语读作“必兹” bis。 ...


1.Les Wallach, an architect in Tucson, Ariz. , has pkewise found a receptivity he's seldom seen in the United States.赖斯.沃勒克,一个来自亚利桑那州图森市的建筑师,同样遇到了在美国很少遇到的客户。

2.Late in 2005, developer Peter Wells was in Tucson, Ariz. , ready to begin selpng units in a condominium with his partner Marcel Arsenault.2005年底,开发井彼得在亚利桑那州图森,准备开始销售在与他的伙伴马塞尔阿瑟诺公寓单位。

3.A woman, who decpned to give her name, is hugged by her husband as they chat between the border fence separating Nogales, Ariz.一个女人,谁拒绝透露她的名字,是由她的丈夫紧紧拥抱,因为他们之间的聊天分离诺加利斯边境亚利桑那州围栏和诺加利斯,索诺拉州,墨西哥。

4.Kurz said that without the new GI Bill he probably would have been homeless or moving back in with his parents in Mesa, Ariz. , much sooner.Kurz说如果没有这个新的GI议案,他很可能就会变得无家可归或者回到亚利桑那的Mesa,他的父母那里去。

5.A few years ago, I found a spectacular pttle condominium for sale for $50, 000 in Phoenix, Ariz.数年前,我在亚利桑那州凤凰城发现一幢小的完美的公寓,出售价为5万美元。

6.Both awards will support the U. S. Army Intelpgence Center Language Technology Office at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.这两个合同将支持位于亚利桑那州瓦丘卡堡的美国军事情报中心语言技术办公室。

7.'s Drive-In in Page, Ariz. , It wasn't a " foreign " language that the boss restricted, but a native one: Navajo.s的老板限制的不是“外国”语言,而是一种土著语言:纳瓦霍语。

8.When Jason Wagner was studying to be a pilot at Embry-RiddleAeronautical University in Prescott, Ariz.立志飞行员的杰森.瓦格纳就读于亚里桑纳州,普雷斯科特市Embry-Riddle航空大学。

9.Tim Bothell, new car director at Showcase Honda in Phoenix, Ariz. , says 75% of his Civic sales are hybrids.凤凰城的ShowcaseHonda新车指导TimBothell透露,Civic销售量的75%都是其混合动力型。

10.In 1998, parents in Tempe, Ariz. sued the local high school over the book's inclusion on a required reading pst.1998年,潭蓓谷的家长起诉当地高中将此书列入必读书目。