


美式发音: [ˈɑrdʒunə] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:dʒunə]



n.1.a major character in the Mahabharata. Krishna, serving as his charioteer, explains Hindu doctrine to him.

1.阿周那 [Tonagura 家有色邻][1-13完] [Arjuna 地球少女] [DVD 付初回限定盘]/堀江由衣[320 ...


7.阿朱那星系 ... arion_ 阿利安 arjuna_ 地球少女阿尔琼娜 armored_trooper_ 装甲骑兵 ...


1.O Arjuna, this eternal soul within the body of every pving entity is immortal; therefore you should not lament for any being.阿诸那啊,存在于每一个活着的实体之内的,这个永恒的灵魂是不朽的;所以你不应该为任何生灵而悲伤。

2.Arjuna said: your birth is recent, the sun-god's birth is previous, therefore you instructing in ancient times, how am I to understand this?阿诸那说:您出生在近代,太阳神出生在先代,就是说您在古时候就教导给他了,我怎样才能明白这个道理呢?

3.Arjuna, just as a blazing fire turns wood to ashes; similarly the fire of knowledge turns all reactions from fruitive activities to ashes.阿诸那啊,就象烈火可以将木柴化为灰烬一样;同样地,智慧之火也可以把源于利益行为的所有报应焚为灰烬。

4.Arjuna said: O Krsna, seeing this beautiful two armed form of Yours, now my consciousness is placated and has regained its composure.阿诸那说:奎师那啊,看到您这个双臂的美丽人形,现在我的意识得到了安抚,恢复了沉静的状态。

5.Now hear in summation from Me, O Arjuna, how one achieving the perfection of cessation of reactions attains the supreme state of knowledge.现在,听“我”总结一下,阿诸那啊,人怎样才能通过终止因果报应,获得圆满,从而达到智慧的最高境界。

6.O Arjuna if ever I would not engage in prescribed activities certainly all men would follow My path in all respects.阿诸那啊,一旦我不再做该做的事情,所有的人,一定从各个方面,都会追随我走过的路。

7.therefore O Arjuna always be engaged in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness.所以,阿诸那啊,你要总是处于融合统一个体意识(知觉)与根本意识(觉知)的修炼状态中。

8.Joshua Arjuna Stephens graduated from Wesleyan University in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in American studies.约书亚·阿君纳·史蒂芬斯2007年于弗吉尼亚大学美国研究专业毕业。

9.Arjuna, the pving personapty is the embodiment of faith, one is identified by whatever faith one has.阿诸那啊,活着的个性人格就是信仰的体现。人以其拥有的信仰而被识别。

10.the divine and the demoniac. The divine has been described extensively, now hear from Me O Arjuna, of the demoniac.我们已经详述了神性的品质,阿诸那啊,现在听我讲讲魔性的品质。