


美式发音: [ˈɑrmˌbænd] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)mˌbænd]






1.臂章;袖章a cloth band worn around the arm as a sign of sth, for example that sb has an official position

The stewards all wore armbands.乘务员都戴了臂章。

Many people at the funeral service were wearing black armbands.葬礼上许多人戴着黑纱。

2.(学游泳时用的可充气)臂圈either of two plastic rings that can be filled with air and worn around the arms by sb who is learning to swim


n.1.a small piece of cloth worn around one arm, to show that you have a particular job or belong to a particular organization. People sometimes wear a black armband to show respect for someone who has died.

1.臂章 臂助〖 help〗 臂章armband;armlet;brassard;armbadge;shoulderemblem(patch)〗 臂膀〖 ar…

2.袖标 袖珍本〖 pocketbook〗 袖标armband〗 袖口〖 wrist;cuffofasleeves〗 ...

3.袖章 ... 勋章: medal 袖章armband 商标: brand;trademark;logo ...

4.臂环 头箍儿 band used by Manchu women to gather up the hair 袖箍 armband 一箍节儿的零吃 to snack in dribs and drabs ...

7.臂挂套询盘标题:中国买家求购MP3臂挂套(armband)关键词:中国,服装鞋帽,买家询盘公司名称:PMD ElectronicS (HONG KONG) LIMIT…


1.In his honor the French national team decided to wear a black armband and hold a minute of silence ahead of the friendly against England.对于他的荣誉,法国队决定对英格兰的友谊赛中戴上黑色袖标,并默哀一分钟。

2.It was an absolute pleasure to hand the armband over to him and he deserves all the accolades that are coming his way.把队长袖标交给他绝对是一种快乐,他配得上一切荣誉。

3.Strap your phone on a thigh with a sports armband holster with Velcro extension band or just put it in a pocket of your cycpng tights.带您的手机上大腿与体育袖标与尼龙搭扣皮套延长带或把它放在口袋的自行车紧身衣。

4.Theoretically, the midfielder will be young enough to claim a place in the squad, maybe even wearing the captain's armband.理论上,卡卡还足够年轻可以向队伍要求拥有自己的位置,或者甚至可以带上队长袖标。

5.Gianluigi Buffon has spoken of his pride at wearing the captain's armband for Italy in what promises to be a hard-fought clash with Holland.在戴上意大利队队长袖标之后布冯表达了自己的自豪同时指出与荷兰队的比赛是一场相当困难的比赛。

6.No-one is safe, no-one at all, the manager made that quite clear to me when he gave me the armband.没有人是安全的,所有人都是,在主教练把队长肩章给我的时候说得很清楚。

7.He carried the armband through the World Cup and has been a real inspiration in the two opening games.他戴着队长袖标打了世界杯,而且开局的两场比赛他真的激励了大家。

8.One of Mourinho's first acts was to hand the captain's armband to John Terry, the best Chelsea youth product for over two decades.穆里尼奥上任后的第一个举措就是把球队队长的袖标授予了约翰。特里这名切尔西过去二十年中培养出来的最优秀的年轻后卫。

9.Feeding British pessimism this year: John Terry lost his captain's armband when news broke he'd had an affair with a teammate's girlfriend.今年让英国球迷更感灰心的是:约翰-特里(JohnTerry)因与队友的女友爆出外遇丑闻而摘下队长臂章。

10.Restaurant owners, barbers and shopkeepers along Beijing's streets were all given a red armband and everybody is wearing them with pride.北京街道沿线的餐馆、理发店,以及商店的老板每人都领到了一个红袖章,而且都自豪地戴着。