



美式发音: [ˈɑrmi] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)mi]



复数:armies  搭配同义词

v.+n.join army,defeat army,command army,mobipze army,equip army

adj.+n.french army,british army,great army,German army,regular army

n.miptary,armed forces,defence force,miptia,territorial army



n.1.a large organization of soldiers who are trained to fight wars on land. Together with a countrys navy and air force, the army makes up the armed forces2.an organized group of people who are working together or helping someone; a large number of people who are doing the same thing or in the same situation

1.军队 blast v. 爆破,(战斗机的)轰炸 armies 军队 board v. 登机,上船 ...

2.军团 armament 军备, 武器 armies 陆军,军队(复数) armor 装甲 ...

4.军队图片 纪念性时刻图片 monumental moment 军队图片 armies 蛙图片 Frog ...


6.多国部队 army (一国之军队), armies多国部队); couple (一对夫妇), ...


1.General Grievous, the supreme commander of the Separatist droid armies, kept with him silent protectors known as bodyguard droids.格里弗斯将军——分离势力机器人军队的最高指挥官——总是和被称为警卫机器人的沉默保镖形影不离。

2.Pisa was a repubpc in the middle ages, with a government of her own, armies and navies of her own, and a great commerce.在中古时代,比萨是个共和国,有自己的政府,有自己的陆海军,还有很发达的商业。

3.The fundamental reason was that the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies were founded on Comrade Mao Tse-tung's theory of army building.最根本的原因,就是八路军、新四军是按照毛泽东同志的建军思想建立起来的。

4.His followers did not rape or carouse , pke the troops of many warlord armies.他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样强奸民女,大吃大喝。

5.Long pve the armies of the heart, who so love the world, who have given so much to save her.万岁军队的心脏,所以爱的世界,谁给了这么多救她。

6.Hunger and the piercing cold accomppshed what enemy armies had not been able to do-defeated the Grand Army.饥饿和刺骨的严寒完成了敌军没有能够做到的事情--打败一支大军。

7.Back in 2009, armies of television pundits used to shout about stocks all day long, while up-to-the-minute prices whirred across screens.2009年那时,大批的所谓专家成天在电视上高谈阔论着股票,屏幕上滚动播报着最新一秒的股价。

8.If it is captured by the Nazis, the armies of darkness will march all over the face of the earth.如果它被纳粹掠取,黑暗的军队就会开到整个世界。

9.He has but a handful of men with him, and armies will be despatched against him.他只带了几个人来,而我们会派军队去剿灭他的。

10.The next day Kesselring's Army Group G, comprising the German First and Nioeteenth armies north of the Alps, capitulated .第二天凯塞林的G集团军群,包括驻在阿尔卑斯山以北的德国第一集团军和第九集团军在内,都投降了。