




1.到家us to)整晚(the whole night)到家arrive at home)一个辛苦却快乐的人(a toilsome but...

2.回到您温暖的家 depart Sydney at pm 悉尼- 航班悉尼起飞. Arrive at Home 回到您温暖的家。 ...

3.走到家 13.和某人交谈 chat with sb. 14.走到家 arrive at home 16.乘公交车到家 go home by bu…

4.到达家里 ... 到达学校( arrive at school) 到达家里arrive at home) 把家具搬进房间( put the furniture into the room) ...

5.抵达国内 抵达国内,与家人一起分享美国名校之旅的美好经历. Arrive at home 酒店休息 Stay in hotel ...

6.到达家 go home 回家; arrive at home 到达家. get to home 到达家; ...


1.However, legally and morally , the bartender has a responsibipty to ensure that their customers arrive at home safely.但在法律和道德上,酒保都有责任保证其客人安全地回到家。

2.When they arrive at home, she instructs them to clean the house, do the laundry, and fix some hot dogs for dinner.孩子们一回家,她就吩咐他们打扫房间,洗衣服,做几个热狗当作晚餐。

3.As soon asI arrive at home, I will telephone you.我一到达家,就会马上打电话给你。

4.When did you arrive at home last night?你昨晚什么时候到家的?