




1.到达那里 玩的高兴 Play of happy 到达那里 Arrive there 看报纸 Read newspaper ...

2.到那儿 12. take a bus 乘公共汽车 13. arrive there 到那儿 1. sit on the bench 坐在长凳上 ...

3.到那里 ①Twenty minutes later. 二十分钟后。 ②arrive there 到那里 arrive in + 大地方 ...

4.到达那儿 ... 3. arrive here 到达这儿 4. arrive there 到达那儿 5. arrive home 到家 ...


1.Registered you to be allowed to arrive there doctor to pne up waits to see the doctor.挂完号你就可以到医生那儿排队候诊了。

2.Eight AM and the family just make it out the door on time, but when they arrive there's a problem.早上八点,库克一家才及时出门,但到了学校的时候,问题来了。

3.Most of them missed a great many boats for few ever went home as soon, or did not arrive there as rich, as they expected.大部分的人错过众多的船班,其中有些能快速回到家;或是回到家时没有当初他们预期的那麽富有。

4.If it won't bother you much, please make a phone call to me as soon as you arrive there.如果不太麻烦的话,请你一到那儿马上就给我来个电话。

5.Marvelous! Everyday people arrive there in a stream of cars and buses. have never seen such a crowded and charming resort.太棒了。每天人们都随着车流蜂拥而至。我从来没有见过如此拥挤和迷人的地方。

6.Do not worry. I 'll let you know when we arrive there.不用担心。到了那儿我会告诉您的。

7.Remember to call me as soon as you arrive there.记住一到那儿就给我打电话。

8.Sometimes I arrive there around two or three o'clock in the morning. It makes me tired.有的时候我要在凌晨两三点到达。出差让我疲劳。

9.As soon as we arrive there, we'll contact our office in Hainan airpnes to see whether your documents have been found .一会到那,我们就联系海航办事处,看看您的文件是否找到?

10.Sometimes you arrive there around two or three o'clock in the morning.有时候在早上两三点钟你就到那儿。