


美式发音: [ɑrˈtɪəriəl] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)ˈtɪəriəl]








adj.1.relating to the arteries2.an arterial road or railroad is part of a larger road or rail system

1.动脉的 archaic 古代的 arterial 动脉的 arteriole 小动脉 ...

2.干线的 arterial 动脉的 arterial 干线的 asphalt binder 沥青结合料 ...

3.干道 ... 干线? Arterial route? 干道? Arterial? 沥青混凝土? Asphalt concrete? ...

4.动脉性又分 为静脉阻塞性(veno-occlusive)动脉性arterial)二类;罕见混合型 • 低流量阴茎异常勃起多数为急性发病,部分 流 …

5.动脉系统 研究生: 姜智昂 Chiang Chi-Ang 关键字: 动脉系统 arterial 径向 radial ...

6.主干 arable 可耕种的 arterial 主干 aspect 方位 ...


1.In these instances, an arterial catheter is often inserted to monitor systemic blood pressure continuously.在上术情况中,常常要通过插入动脉导管来连续监测体循环血压。

2.This wave gets reflected in parts of the arterial tree and returns to the heart while it is ejecting blood, increasing the heart's workload.当这种波射血并增加心脏工作负荷时,它在动脉内被反射并返回心脏。

3.A bruit is usually detected with a stethoscope and is an indicator of arterial blockage.杂音通常由听诊器探测到,提示动脉阻塞。

4.The reverse digital arterial island flap is usually used for finger pulp reconstruction. The technique is simple but effective.逆行性指侧岛状皮瓣通常应用来做为指腹重建,此步骤简单而有效。

5.But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force, this may be a sign of arterial bleeding.如果血液从伤口喷涌而出,这可能就是动脉出血的迹象。

6.Much of it has gone on improvements to the state capital's metro and its main arterial roads.大部分经费用于改善该州首府圣保罗市的地铁工程及主要干线公路。

7.Chronic inflammation inside the arterial wall is part of the process that eventually leads to a disorder known as atherosclerosis.动脉血管壁内的慢性炎症反应是最终导致粥样硬化疾病的病程的一部分。

8.Pain due to dynamic coronary narrowing from arterial spasm, although ischemic, tends to occur at rest or nocturnally.动脉痉挛引起动力性冠状动脉狭窄并产生的疼痛,虽然是缺血性的,也往往在休息或夜间发生。

9.Annexin V inhibits prothrombin activation and is able to prevent thrombus formation under normal venous and arterial blood flow conditions.膜联蛋白V抑制凝血酶原激活,并能防止血栓形成正常静脉和动脉血流情况。

10.blood out with some force, this may be a sign of arterial bleeding.如果伤口大量血液涌出来,这可能表示是动脉出血了。