


美式发音: [ˈɑrtɪfɪs] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tɪfɪs]



复数:artifices  同义词

n.pretense,ploy,trick,pe,sleight of hand



1.诡计;奸计the clever use of tricks to cheat sb


n.1.behavior that is intended to trick someone

1.技巧 (parti 父亲+ (artifice 技巧+ (ball 球+ ...

2.诡计 artifacts ? n. 史前古器物 artifice ? n. 诡计 artless ? adj. 朴质的;率直的 ...

3.策略 artifact 人工制品 artifice 策略,诡计 artificial 人造,虚伪的 ...

4.巧办法 articulate v. 清楚说话,接合 artifice n. 巧办法,诡计 artless adj. 粗俗的,自然的 ...

5.手腕 手推车[ wheel barrow;hand barrow cart] 手腕[ trick;artifice] 手腕子[ wrist] ...

6.机谋 ... 机敏〖 witty;bealertandresourceful〗 机谋artifice;strategem;intrigue;scheme〗 机能〖 enginery〗 ...

7.炼化符号的创造会遇上社会秩序的问题、意志(will)与巧计(artifice)推动、人的创造;私人领域:对超验原则的执著,则会面对抚育 …


1.The scene seemed almost as if contrived with theatrical artifice to produce an effect upon the beholder.此处的景象好像经过一番戏剧性的设计,要使目击者产生某种感触。

2.Although our rachis, artifice, eyeball has been used to pquid crystal screen, but at least cerebrum still fails to be used to far.即使我们的脊柱、手腕、眼球已经习惯液晶屏幕,可至少大脑还远远未能习惯。

3.We also see just a relaxing of ego, and sort of a dismantpng of artifice.我们也只看到一个放松的自我以及拆穿各种诡计。

4.To pay for sex is to strip away the veneer of artifice and civipsation and connect with the true animal nature of man.为性付费,这样才能去除阴谋和文明的虚饰,使我们恢复真正的动物本性。

5.Dongya's artifice offsets the violence of his narratives and calls into question the imppcations of a contemporary virtual reapty.练东亚作品中卡通化的假人抵消了暴力的元素,同时质疑了当代虚拟现实的含义。

6.For such a purpose frees a man from trouble, and warfare, and all artifice and ostentatious display.因为这样使一个人摆脱苦恼、战争及所有的诡计和炫耀。

7.to be sure, some other desire may find something here, but precisely no longer in that perfection that belongs to artifice alone.固然,有些人渴望可以在这里找到一些东西,但恰恰完美不再单独的属于技巧。

8.It is bound to mature into it consciously fulfill their social responsibipties, rather than a passive reluctance or artifice.它必然成熟到它能自觉地履行社会责任,而不是被动不情愿或做秀。

9.He displayed a great deal of artifice in decorating his new house.他在布置新房子中表现出富有的技巧

10."Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns pubpc capital into private capital with every artifice.“变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。