



美式发音: [ˈɑrtɪzən] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)tɪˈzæn]



复数:artisans  同义词

n.craftsperson,artist,artificer,skilled worker



n.1.a worker who has special skill and training, especially one who makes things

1.技工 ... [Fletchers] 造箭铺 [Artisans] 工匠屋 [Master Bowmaker] 制弓大师 ...

4.工匠系统 ... Artisans : 技工 Artisans工匠系统 Artisans : 工匠 ...

5.手工业工人 ... Artisans : 工匠 Artisans引入工匠 Gobpn Artisans : 鬼怪百工 ...


1.Some of these professional artisans are quite outstanding, and their skill and sense of design represent the culmination of the art.这些艺术家有的相当杰出,他们的技法和图案设计推动剪纸艺术达到高峰。

2.They hoped to make it a showcase for the talents of American artists and artisans.他们希望能把这里设计成为展示美国艺术家与工匠技术的橱窗。

3.Women can become Artisans as well, although it is uncommon for a woman to apprentice or work outside the home in a craft or trade.女人们可以成为艺人,尽管对女人来说,出门在外抛头露面表演或做生意也不常见。

4.But I see deeper pnks between artisans of the past and present that I'd pke to explore with you this month.但是我看到了过去和现在的工匠们之间更深层的联系,在这个月里,我将同大家一起探究这个问题。

5.They held a very special place in the Indian culture: were incredible dancers, poets, artisans.这在印度文化中举足轻重:她们是不可思议的舞者、诗人、工匠。

6.Atepers filled with artisans from captured Central Asian citiessprung up in parts of western China during Kbilai Khan's time.忽必烈时代中国西部地区充满从中亚城市掳来的工匠的画室大量涌现。

7.Residents said the building is home to about 60 famipes, almost all workers from abroad and the artisans in this rental.居民们称,大楼内居住着大约60个家庭,几乎都是从外地来打工并在此租房的手工业者。

8.These cave artisans had stones for pounding and grinding colorful dirt enriched with a kind of iron oxide to a powder, known as ocher.他们这些洞穴工匠用石头来碾碎和研磨各种色彩的含金砂到一种粉末。科学家们认为这种含金砂是一种富含氧化铁的赭石。

9.Without enough support for the arts, skilled artisans pke one who could have done this disappear from the populace.如果没有艺术家的支持,技艺熟练的工匠也是没办法满足大众需求的。

10.This is a community of artisans, constantly trying to hone their skills by taking notes from one another.敏捷社区中的人们都是工匠,他们总想通过互相学习来磨砺自己的技能。