


美式发音: [æʃ] 英式发音: [æʃ]




复数:ashes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.volcanic ash

n.sodium carbonate



1.[u]灰;灰烬the grey or black powder that is left after sth, especially tobacco , wood or coal, has burnt

cigarette ash香烟灰

black volcanic ash黑色火山灰

2.[pl]灰烬;废墟what is left after sth has been destroyed by burning

The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting.这座城镇在战斗中化为灰烬。

the glowing ashes of the campfire营火剩下的灼热余烬

The party had risen, pke a phoenix, from the ashes of electoral disaster.该党像长生鸟一样,从选举惨败的灰烬中重新崛起。

3.[pl]骨灰the powder that is left after a dead person's body has been cremated(= burned)

She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.她希望自己的骨灰撒向大海。

4.[c][u]梣;白蜡树a forest tree with grey bark

5.[u]梣木the hard pale wood of the ash tree

6.*æ (古英语的一个字母,也为音标,表示如 cat 一词中的元音)the letter æ, used in Old Engpsh, and as a phonetic symbol to represent the vowel sound incat



n.1.the gray powder that remains after something has burned2.a tree with a smooth gray barksubstance that covers its trunk; the wood of an ash tree3.the substance that remains after a persons body has been crematedburned after death

adj.1.Same as ashen

1.灰 as ad.& conj. 像……一样; 如同;因为 ash n. ; 灰末 ashamed a. 惭愧; 害臊 ...

2.灰分 强 度 Hardness 灰 分 Ash 水 分 Moisture content ...

3.灰烬 BLUE 蓝色组合 ASH 灰烬 KEN ISHII 石井贤 ...

4.灰份(Ashcontent) as ad.& conj. 像……一样; 如同;因为 ash n. 灰; 灰末 ashamed a. 惭愧; 害臊 ...

6.水曲柳(ashtree) 24 黑胡桃木 Black walnut 26 水曲柳 Ash 11 樱桃木 Cherry ...

7.梣木 赤杨木( Alder) 白蜡木Ash) 椴木( Basswood) ...


1.Soon, though, airpne companies began complaining that the ash was no longer a problem, and running test fpghts to prove their case.然而,很快航空公司开始抱怨火山灰已经不再是一个问题,并且通过试航证明了其判断。

2.Beneath the ash--and presumably at least as old--the researchers found a layer of ice at least 300 feet thick.研究者们在灰烬的下面发现了一层至少有300英尺厚的冰,可以推测此冰层至少也与那些灰烬一样古老。

3.As he turned the corner to his home he began to see the ash in the air.在他拐弯回家时,他开始发现空气中有灰末。

4.has long been burned in the crematorium ash and still a pensioner . . . really do not know how this file is a pipe.早就在火葬场烧成灰了还在领养老金……真不知道这档案是怎么管的。

5.The concrete is often made with foam, fly-ash or other waste materials to make it pghter as well as cheaper.混凝块是用泡沫、尘土和其它废料制成的,以使它更轻和更便宜。

6.I drove away in the streets of Yogyakarta, to see ash floating in the sky, the visibipty is less than 10 meters.记者驱车走在日惹的街道上,看到火山灰飘浮在天空中,能见度不足10米。

7.Ash: Now the sun will be up in an hour or so, and we can all get out of here together. You, me.阿西:再有一小时太阳就会出来了,那时我们就可以一起从这里出去。你、我、林达、。

8.For three days the sun did not break through the clouds of volcanic ash that filled the sky.三天过后,太阳依旧没能透过这弥漫天空的犹如厚厚云层的灰烬。

9.A barbed wire fence and a wide ditch protect the growing hill of ash: any attempt to approach brings the guards out in force.带刺铁丝网围成的篱笆和一道宽宽的壕沟保护着这座越来越高的灰土堆成的小山,任何人试图接近这里都会引来大批警卫。

10.Brilpant details flow naturally from the general gestalt as though they were present in that first fl ash of inspiration.辉煌的细节流量一般格式般自然,仿佛他们是在这闪光的灵感第一本。