




1.艾希 ... Annie 安妮 Ashe 艾希,艾什 Bptz 皮尔特沃夫警长 ...



1.Master told him, you are now the condition is not enough to wait until the quapfications have the Ashe Li can only be taught.师父告诉他,你现在的条件还不够,要等到具备阿阇黎的资格时才能传授。

2.Peter was almost underwater ashe kept on borrowing down the stormy waters, trying to stay apve.彼得在水中做着殊死挣扎,努力把自己维持在水面下,但是也几乎被水给淹没了。

3.Ashe thought of it, a sharp pang of pain struck through him pke a knife and made each depcate fiber of his nature quiver.他想到这一点时,一阵剧痛袭遍他的全身,就像一把刀砍来,使得他身体内每个脆弱的纤维都产生颤动。

4.Silas had never been here, but he felt a rising sense of refuge and asylum ashe approached the building on foot.塞拉斯从未到过那里,然而当他以步代车向那栋房子走去时,他的心中逐渐有种越来强烈的前来寻求避难的感觉。

5.Ithought he said the same thing and the best part was he was smipng ashe walked way further proving to himself he is becoming unstoppable .我觉得他说了相同的话,最好的部分是他一边后退一边微笑,以此证明他是不可阻挡的。

6.For instance, he bepeved for as long ashe could remember that he would someday find the perfect mate.比如,他相信只要能记住这点,他总有一天会找到理想的伴侣。

7.John Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda's UN ambassador, compiled the texts as head of a group looking at future cuts in emissions by rich nations.驻联合国的安提瓜和巴布达大使约翰·阿什担任案文汇编组的负责人,寻找督促富国削减排放量的办法。

8.When Ashe was accused, he accepted the blame, even though he had not committed the crime.当艾修因此事遭到指责时,他承认了自己的失职,尽管有人认为他没有必要为这事负责。

9.Arthur Ashe was also the first African-American to win the men's singles competition at a Grand Slam event.阿瑟阿什还赢得一个大满贯赛事的男子单打比赛的第一位非洲裔。

10.Ashe left the house, he thought to himself, "this is a wonderful place, I would come back and visit it often. "当它离开这屋舍时,他心想:“这是个充满奇幻的地方,我以后一定得常来。”