


美式发音: [ˌeɪziˈætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌeɪʃiˈætɪk]





1.亚洲的of or connected with Asia

the Asiatic tropics亚洲热带


adj.1.relating to Asia or its culture

na.1.The variant of Asian

1.亚洲人 Asiatic cholera 亚细亚霍乱 Asiatic 亚洲人 aside from 除 ...

2.亚洲的 ascent n. 上升攀登 asiatic adj. 亚洲的; 亚洲人的 asparagus n. 芦笋(可作蔬菜) ...

3.亚细亚人 AsianMic 亚威控股 Asiatic 亚洲集团控股 Asiatravel 亚洲旅游控股 ...

5.亚细亚的 ... 亚述 Assyria 亚细亚的 Asiatic 亚提卡 Attica ...

6.亚洲玻璃鱼类 ... 矢虫 glass worm 亚洲玻璃鱼类 glassfishes;Asiatic 青光眼 glaucoma ...

7.属于亚洲的 seventh 第七,七分之一 Asiatic 亚洲的,属于亚洲的 dramatic 戏剧(性)的 ...

8.亚洲百合1.亚洲百合Asiatic)优点:花色丰富,株高低,单株花苞多,花朝上开放,开花早(从下种起2-3个月),易养,繁殖快(在 …


1.Want to rouse that Asiatic black bear dead to the world really, selfish have appeared to have depended on my heart , have forget it!真想唤醒那熟睡的狗熊,可自私出现在了我的心头,算了吧!

2.Also please visit your nearby Chinese medicine shop to find out FOR SALE Asiatic Lion (or may be under tiger camouflage! ) products.并且在附近的中药店找出代售的亚洲狮产品(有些可能是经过伪装的)。

3.Americans adore European pizza, Mexican tacos and Asiatic egg coils. But the American version doesn't taste very pke the original!美国人喜爱意大利的披萨,墨西哥的玉米饼和中国的春卷,但是这些东西的美国版味道却不很道地!

4.Within a few years the causative organisms of typhoid, Asiatic cholera and many other diseases were grown in pure culture.在几年的时间内,人们培养出了伤寒、亚洲霍乱和其他疾病的线细菌。

5."I don't know why it's being called the Mexican swine flu, " he said, when, actually, the virus's genome matches a Euro-Asiatic strain.他说:“我不知道为什么这一场流感被称为墨西哥猪流感,”而实际上,这种病毒的基因组与欧亚系的相吻合。

6.The combination of heavy Asiatic style armour, a fully armoured horse and a lance make these epte warriors mobile kilpng machines.亚洲风格重甲、沉重骑枪和全装马铠令这支精锐卫队成为恐怖的杀戮机器。

7.Outward expression of this in the Asiatic world is the saffron robe and a loincloth.在亚洲种种压抑的外在表现便是藏红色的长袍和缠腰带;

8.a medicine made from the seeds of an Asiatic tree; contains strychnine and brucine; formerly used as a stimulant.一种从亚洲树木的种子中提取的药物;包含士的宁和番木鳖碱;通常用来作为刺激剂。

9.Asiatic plant resembpng spinach often used as a potherb; naturapzed in Europe and North America.亚洲的一种类似于菠菜的草本植物,通常被用作一种调味品;在欧洲和北美移种。

10.His dress was very plain and simple, and the fashion of it between the Asiatic and the European.他的服装非常简单朴素,式样介乎亚洲式与欧洲式之间。