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1.阿育王雀圣3(KungFuMahjong3))DVD  孔雀王朝之阿育王(Asoka)DVD  雀圣(KungFuMahjong)DVD  喜马拉雅星HIMALAYASINGHDVD  

3.孔雀王朝阿育王在公元前三世纪印度孔雀王朝阿育王Asoka)统治时期,皈依了佛教的阿育王之子摩哂陀长老被派到斯里兰卡弘扬佛教,也是 …

4.阿首咖到了公元前三世纪,阿首咖(Asoka)时代,举行了第三次结集。在这次结集中,僧众们对经藏和律藏都发表了意见,也一致的对 …

5.阿首咖王4 阿首咖王(Asoka):又作阿育王、阿输迦王、无忧王,西元前272-前232年在位。5师子国:又称锡兰、狮子洲、兰卡岛、楞伽 …

6.印度佛教亚索加王朝227年,印度佛教亚索加王朝Asoka)遣派僧侣到东南亚宣扬教义,其中一批到达佛统府后,就以此地为传教基地。伊斯兰教 …

7.阿苏卡去年开始投入志工行列的阿苏卡Asoka),是位忙碌的律师。身为佛教徒,佛陀的教义早已经深入心中,而阿苏卡更在投入慈 …


1.During his reign, the Emperor Asoka took portions of the Buddha's ashes and spread them among the thousands of stupas he created.在阿育王统治时期,佛骨舍利又分散安放到他所新建的上千座佛塔中。

2.This being the case, there was no reason for Asoka to discuss Buddhist philosophy.从这个角度,阿育王没必要在这里讨论佛教哲学。

3.It is in this script that the great Indian king Asoka inscribed his laws onto monumental columns.伟大的印度国王阿育王就是用婆罗米语来把他的律法刻在纪念柱上。

4.The Asoka Temple is one of the most prominent of the city's cultural repcs.阿育王寺的一个最突出的城市的文物。

5.The current situation that Chinese Asoka Literature is ignored in the international academic circles should be changed.汉语阿育王文献在国际学术界受忽视的现状应该得到改变。

6.There is a noteworthy passage in one of King Asoka 's inscriptions, "One thinks well of one's work. One never thinks ill of one's work. "阿育王的墓碑铭中有值得注意的一段,“一个人认为自己所做为好的,不会认为自己所做为恶。”

7.If only I could be born, under the shady Asoka groves, in some village of Brinda, where milk is churned by the maidens.但愿我能投生在无忧树郁郁葱葱的密林里,投生在布林达的村庄中,那里姑娘们搅动牛奶做奶酪。

8.The Emperor Asoka constructed the "Golden Throne" sometime around 250 BC, and over time many other buildings and statues were added.阿育王于公元前250年左右建造了“黄金王座”,随后的时间里,陆续建造了许多其他建筑和雕像。

9.It was probably begun by the emperor Asoka in the mid-3rd century BCE and later enlarged.这座塔可能于公元前3世纪中期由阿育王(emperorAsoka)开始建造,之后又有所扩建。

10.The 1700-year-old Asoka Temple, one of the five Buddhist mountains in China, is well known for having kept Skyamuni's Sarira.阿育王寺是中国佛教“中华五山”之一,已有1700多年历史。因珍藏佛国珍宝“释迦牟尼真身舍利”而闻名中外。