


美式发音: [æs] 英式发音: [æs]






1.屁股;腚the part of the body that you sit on; your bottom

2.(informal)蠢人;笨蛋a stupid person

Don't be such an ass!别那么傻头傻脑的!

I made an ass of myself at the meeting─standing up and then forgetting the question.我在会议上出了个大洋相,站起来却忘了要问的问题。

3.a donkey


n.1.the part of your body that you sit on2.a stupid or annoying person3.an animal resembpng a small horse with long ears, sometimes used as a beast of burden4.<slang>used in some expressions for emphasizing that you want sb. to hurry, leave, or go to a particular place5.<slang,taboo>sexual activity1.the part of your body that you sit on2.a stupid or annoying person3.an animal resembpng a small horse with long ears, sometimes used as a beast of burden4.<slang>used in some expressions for emphasizing that you want sb. to hurry, leave, or go to a particular place5.<slang,taboo>sexual activity

1.驴 ashore ad. 在岸上,上岸 ass n. ;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 assassinate vt. 暗杀,行刺;中伤 ...

2.屁股 anus 比较正规. ass屁股 anus 才是屁眼 ...

3.蠢驴 prostitute 婊子 ass 蠢驴 nasty 下流 ...

4.驴子 聪明的人 牛— cattle — 卑鄙的人 驴子ass — 愚笨迟钝的人 骡子— mule — ...

5.臀部 ash 灰, 灰烬, [植]岑树 ass 驴, 笨人, 臀部 awl 锥子, 尖钻 ...

6.意味屁股的禁忌字 fuck( 意味性交的禁忌字) ass( 意味屁股的禁忌字) prick( 男性的阴茎) ...

7.傻瓜 ashore ad 在岸上,上岸 ass 驴,傻瓜,蠢笨的人 assassinate vt 暗杀,行刺,中伤 ...

8.蠢人 11. goose 傻瓜,笨蛋 1. ass 驴,傻瓜,蠢人 5. clunk (俚语)无趣的人,笨蛋 ...


1.If there's nothing really the matter, the doctor will tell him he's an old ass, and cheer him up; and that will be something gained.要是真没大病,医生会骂他是个大笨蛋,会给他打气,那倒也是一得吧。

2.Stupid ass should have stopped, shown his credentials and been on his way.这个傻子应该停车并且出示他的证件,这样就啥事都没了。

3.The ass was very happy to see the animals running away from him, just as if he were king Lion himself.驴子很高兴动物们的反应就像它自己就是狮王一样。

4.Why would you tell her to drop dead? She's your sister. She was an ass.你为啥让她去死?她是你姐她是狗屁。

5.For you to see so damn much of my ass you ask for me?难道要给你看看你你们要看的我那该死的屁股?

6.for you to see so damn much of my ass; you asked for me?因为我让你看到了我这么多恶行。你想找我?

7.He never once took the name of the lord his God in vain, committed adultery or coveted his neighbor's ass.他从不亵渎上帝的名字,从不和人通奸,从不想去勾引邻居的老婆。

8.But he soon calmed himself down and went to the pon, saying: "I can help you to catch the ass if you promise that you will not hurt me. "但是,他很快镇静下来,走向狮子,说道:“如果你答应不伤害我,我可以帮助你捉住驴子。”

9.Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!厄尔·佩格特:你知道吗,你那样子就像头上了年纪的、闷闷不乐的蠢驴,我不知道有谁会愿意瞅着你!

10.The right person is still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass.总之对路的人会觉得你放的屁都是香的。