



美式发音: [əˈsɜrt] 英式发音: [əˈsɜː(r)t]



第三人称单数:asserts  现在分词:asserting  过去式:asserted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.assert authority,assert influence,assert right


v.declare,insist on,state,proclaim,avow



v.1.to state firmly that something is true; to speak or behave in a firm, confident way2.to claim that you have the right to do something or behave in a particular way3.if a fact, idea, or tendency asserts itself, it begins to influence someone or something

1.断言 assert 宣称;断言 asserted 宣称;断言 assertion 命题;断言 ...

2.宣称 assert 宣称;断言 asserted 宣称;断言 assertion 命题;断言 ...

3.宣称的的 assert 主张 asserted 宣称的的 assertion 主张 ...

4.声明 ... 5. apparatus n. 装置,器具,器官 6. asserted v. 主张,声明,断言 7. tendency n. 趋势,倾向 ...

5.主张 ... 5. apparatus n. 装置,器具,器官 6. asserted v. 主张,声明,断言 7. tendency n. 趋势,倾向 ...

6.声称的 Cautiously: 慎重地,谨慎地 asserted: 宣称的;声称的 denounced: 公开抨击的 ...

7.另一方当事人主张中的个别条款无效,则此合理 时间的起算应自该条款被另一方当事人主张asserted)时开始。


1.Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is "depcate and easy to chew. "他认为鸡胸肉太老,而鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。

2.She asserted that she had visions from God which told her to recover her homeland from Engpsh domination late in the Hundred Years' War.她声称,她曾设想从上帝告诉她,她的祖国恢复从英国统治后期的百年战争。

3.She asserted that she was creating a new paradigm, and if I was going to help her, I needed to think more creatively.她声称自己正在创建一个新的范例,并且说如果我要帮她的话,我的想法应该更有创意一些。

4.Wen asserted that he would pke her to leave with great self-esteem. But I do want to ask him what is self-esteem?文裕章声称要“让她有尊严地离开这个世界”,我倒想问问他何谓“尊严”?

5.However, post-modernism asserted that this was the primary mode of human existence, an individual a swim in a sea of the products of people.然而,后现代主义的观点是,人存在的主要形式是,个体涵盖在所有人的产物之中。

6.It would be akin to a Chinese Monroe Doctrine, which asserted the rights of a then-rising US to its Latin American backyard.这堪称一种“中国式的门罗主义”。门罗主义源自美国崛起时期,主张美国在其拉美后院拥有权利。

7.It was only when he crawled to bed at night, or to breakfast in the morning, that she asserted herself to him in fleeting memories.只有在晚上钻进被窝或是早上去吃早饭时露丝才在他短暂的回忆中确认了自己的地位。

8.Contrary to what is often asserted, Greece would not collapse if it quit the euro.与大家通常断言的结论不同,退出欧元区并不会令希腊分崩离析。

9.His daughter he had asserted her to be, and his daughter she should always think herself, no matter what hypocrisy it involved.他既然肯定地说出了她是他的女儿,那就不管这里面包含有多少虚伪,也得叫她永远承认她是他的女儿吧。

10.Still, he said, the number of borrowers who are struggpng to pay off their debts is much smaller than officials have asserted.还有,他说,那些为还贷挣扎的借款人数量远比官员声称的要少。