



美式发音: [əˈsɪst] 英式发音: [ə'sɪst]




第三人称单数:assists  现在分词:assisting  过去式:assisted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.assist popce,assist Economy



v.help,aid,help out,give a hand,support



v.1.(在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (in, with)2.帮助某人做某事 (in doing sth; to do sth)3.搀扶(某人)上[下]车 (in) [out of] 扶(某人)站起 (to his foot) 给(小孩)喂食 (to)4.援助,帮助 (in)5.出席,参加 (in, at)1.(在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (in, with)2.帮助某人做某事 (in doing sth; to do sth)3.搀扶(某人)上[下]车 (in) [out of] 扶(某人)站起 (to his foot) 给(小孩)喂食 (to)4.援助,帮助 (in)5.出席,参加 (in, at)


v.1.to help someone or something; to help someone more skilled to do their job, for example by doing the easier parts of the work2.to make a job or piece of work easier to do

n.1.something done by a player that helps another player in the same team to score a point or goal

1.辅助良,WBI则是一种动态的变革,基础(Based)和辅助(Assisted)虽一词之差,但其中却蕴涵着一种观念上的创新,即把现代信息技术在 …

2.协助 Allocated 分配 Assisted 协助 Demonstrated 表现 ...

3.帮助 (assessed 评估) (assisted 协助,帮助 ) (aid 救助 ) ...

4.辅助的 assisted draft 辅助通风 assisted 辅助的 assisting ship 救助船 ...

5.援助 Assigned 分配 Assisted 援助 Attained 达到 ...

6.受人协助 ... asst. assistant 助手、助理 asstd. assisted 受人协助、被帮忙 @ att. ;att’ n. attention 注意、请 …

7.辅助型 此种称为: 控制型(controlled)通气 辅助型assisted)通气 间歇强制(intermittent mandatory)通气 压力支持(pressur…

8.辅助式? 辅助式 (Assisted) ? 导向式 (Directed)– 通过“异常库位报告 ”纠错 ? 上架的启用 – 堆场的货物丌需要上 架 ? 通过上架策略 ? 场景


1.Mr. Alexander's parents have since moved out of the assisted-pving facipty and back into their home, so he tends to them most days.亚历山大的父母为了给予孩子一些经济支持,也搬出了养老院,和孩子们住了很长时间。

2.By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had found investors, several assistants and a loving wife Pem who assisted him in his research.岁的时候,他找到了投资者、几个助手、一位可爱的妻子徘玛来帮助他进行研究。

3.It is true, I never assisted the sun materially in his rising, but, doubt not, it was of the last importance only to be present at it.真的,我虽没有具体地助日出以一臂之力,可是不要怀疑,在日出之前出现是最重要的事了。

4.In February 2007, Iran said it had launched a rocket capable of reaching space - before it made a parachute-assisted descent to Earth.在2007年二月,伊朗称已发射一枚能够到达太空的火箭,并依靠降落伞回到了地面。

5.Morris set her parents up in an assisted-pving residence five minutes from her home.莫里斯把她的父母安顿在一家辅助生活居住房,离她家有五分钟的路程。

6.Your ancestor was one of the twelve knights who assisted the Lord of Estremavilla in Normandy in his conquest of Glamorganshire.你的祖先是辅佐诺曼底的埃斯彻玛维拉勋爵征服格拉摩甘郡的十二个骑士当中的一个。

7.Richard Riley, Head of Exhibitions, assisted by Emily Butler in the Visual Arts Department of the British Council in London.理查德赖利,英国文化协会伦敦视觉艺术部展览中心主任,及其助理艾米莉巴特尔。

8.With the electric system, safe, repable, easy to operate, low noise, maternal and I can be assisted operation characteristics.具有不断电系统、安全可靠、操作方便、噪音低、产妇本人及助产人员皆可操作的特点。

9.Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to pmit the practice to residents of the Swiss city.苏黎世选民以压倒性多数否决了禁止协助他人自杀或宣布非常驻居民协助他人自杀为非法的提案。

10.You could say that women's careers have been assisted by the death of men.她承认:“你可以说男人的死帮助了女人的事业。”