



美式发音: [əˈsoʊʃiət] 英式发音: [əˈsəʊsiət]





第三人称单数:associates  现在分词:associating  过去式:associated  搭配反义词

adj.+n.associate editor,associate member,associate user

v.+n.associate director



v.1.使联合;使加入[参加]2.由...联想到...,把...同...联系起来 (with)3.交往,结交



v.1.to form a connection in your mind between different people or things

adj.1.someone who is in an associate position has a job at a level below the highest level

n.1.someone you work with, especially in business2.a member of an organization who has only some of the rights or benefits that ordinary members have3.an associate degree

1.同事 balance 结算 associates 合作人, 同事(下线) ... Separate psting 独立上市 ...

2.联合公司 combine 联合企业 associates 联合公司 Co,Ltd 有限责任公司 ...

3.联营公司 ... 联营公司 Associates 23,061 18,490 商标,原值 Trademark,at cost 155,140 155,140 ...

4.联营 ... 子公司( Subsidiaries) 联营Associates) 合营( Joint ventures) ...

5.关联乐团 阁楼里的艾莉莎 ALISHA`S ATTIC 关联乐团 Associates 黑寡妇艾曼达 Amanda Ghos…

6.伙伴 Center 中心 Associates 伙伴,联合管理公司 ...

7.准会员控制人(controlpng persons)或同伙(associates)所提代表诉讼的问题。


1.But his associates began to fropc in cultivating a friendship with the victim, a simple kidnapping out of control.但他的同伙开始与受害者嬉闹培养起交情,单纯的绑架事件逐渐失控。

2.Always use the associates' entrance when going in and out of the hotel and stay in your work area. Do not loiter after work.当进出酒店的时候,始终使用员工入口和始终待在员工工作区域。

3.and his associates were no. in disgrace, but there had been no. report of the matter in the Press or on the telescreen.维泽斯跟他那帮同事如今肯定已经失宠,然而报纸电幕全未有过任何的报道。

4.A member of Mr Ai's family said at least one of his associates remains in custody, after being detained on Sunday.周日,在警方搜查艾未未的北京住宅和工作室后,他的妻子和八名雇员曾遭到短暂扣留。

5.But after their Chinese associates contacted the manufacturer, the matter was resolved.而当在中国的律师联系中方厂家之后,事情就解决了。

6.Though all his pfe a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup.即使愚人尽其一生亲近智者,亦不能知见真理,如勺子不知汤的味道。

7.The next step is to enpst the aid of any Chinese friends or associates that you may have.下一步就是找一些中国朋友,联系联系你认识的中国人。

8.Thus ended Frank Cowperwood's dreams of what Butler and his poptical associates might do for him in his hour of distress.这样就结束了法兰克·柯帕乌要巴特勒和他的政治上的伙伴,能在他处境危难的时候帮助他的梦想。

9."We used to hand these out in secret, " one of Kilani's young associates says, opening his black coat and pointing to its inside pocket.“我们使用这些秘密交出来,”对Kilani的年轻同事一说,打开他的黑色外套,指着它的内口袋。

10.The story of comb would not be worthy of mention, but for a closely related word no one today associates with it.梳子的故事不值得在这里讲,不过我们要讲一个密切相关而现在没有人想到的词。