


美式发音: [ə'ʃʊriŋ] 英式发音: [əˈʃuəriŋ]







v.1.The present participle of assure

1.保证的 assurgent 上升的 assuring 保证的 assuringly 保证地 ...

2.使人有信心的 wilpngness 愿意 assuring 使人有信心的 tenderness 柔弱 ...

3.使…确信 ... 假设;承担;呈现[ assumption] 使…确信;使…放心[ assuring] 连接[ attach (to)] ...

4.确信 (assure 的过去分词) assuring 确信 ensure from 保护 ...

5.使…放心 ... 假设;承担;呈现[ assumption] 使…确信;使…放心[ assuring] 连接[ attach (to)] ...


1.This indicates that the cartridge is ready to be changed, assuring you of clean, dry product.这表明,吸附剂过滤筒可以随时改变,以保证产品清洁,干燥。

2.Furthermore, as a class partly about writing, extensive practice is the only means of assuring genuine improvement.除此之外,作为一门关于写作课程的课堂,扩展训练是能让学生能力得到真正提高的唯一方法。

3.As a doctor, it is necessary for you to pay a regular visit to your patients, assuring them that your attention is still focused on them.作为医生,你定期看望病人,让他们相信你仍然关注着他们是必要的。

4.He put away his day's work, assuring me that he had nothing to do that he could not wait tomorrow, and threw himself into a long chair.他丢开手头的公事,斩钉截铁对我说,他要办的事都可以等到明天再办,便一下子坐到了一张长椅子上。

5.What better way of assuring oneself, on the point on which one is mistaken, than to persuade the other of the truth of what one says!在我们受人误解的时刻,除了说服对方,我们所说的内容是千真万确外,还有什麽更好的方法来确信我们自己的心?

6.The shock absorber springs used in locomotives is one of the key parts for assuring the locomotives to move smoothly.机车行走减震弹簧是确保铁路机车安全平稳运行的重要装备之一。

7.There is no doubt that the central bank plays vital roles in assuring financial steadiness .中央银行在维护金融稳定方面具有毋庸置疑的天然职能。

8.assuring him he would be back. Heart pounding with fear for the injured motorcycpst, Jimmy raced to the nearest house.并且向他保证自己会回来。由于非常担心这个受伤的骑摩托车的男人,吉米的心一直怦怦地狂跳不已。

9.Usually this takes the form of assuring creditors that the risks of a bank, a company or a dodgy credit derivative are really minimal.通常情况下是这种方式:向债权人保证银行、公司或其信用衍生业务的风险微乎其微。

10.She thinks of money as an instrument for assuring of a good pving.金牛对于她们来说只是为了保障生活得更好的工具。