


美式发音: [ˈæstəˌrɔɪd] 英式发音: ['æstə.rɔɪd]







1.小行星any one of the many small planets that go around the sun



n.1.a mass of rock that moves around in space. Most asteroids are found between the planets Jupiter and Mars, a region of space known as the asteroid belt.

1.小行星 asterisk 星形符号 asteroid 星状的 disaster 灾难 ...

3.小游星 countdown n. 倒数计秒 asteroid n. [天文]小游星, 小行星, 海盘车 shielding 防护的, 屏蔽的 ...

4.海星 aardvark n. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽 asteroid n. 小行星;海星 henceforth ad. 自此以 …

5.流星 assure vt. 向...保证;使确信 asteroid n. 小行星;流星 astrobleme n. 陨星坑 ...

6.星形曲线 ... asterism 星芒 asteroid 星形曲线 asthenopia 视力疲劳 ...

7.星样的 asterognosis 立体感觉丧失 asteroid 星样的 asthenia 无力 ...

8.行星撞击顾不了那么多,因为那里有游戏机,尤其是他最喜欢的《行星撞击》(Asteroid),在他看来,那就是“地球上有史以来最酷的 …


1.It came out of the clear, blue sky - just pke an asteroid.这[消息]是从晴朗的蓝天而来-如一颗小行星般。

2.A small fraction of the rocks blasted off Mars by asteroid or comet impacts could have reached Earth in just a few years.小行星或彗星在撞击火星时,所轰出的岩石之中,有少数可以在仅仅数年之内就抵达地球。更详细。

3.Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid.噪声不能证明什么。母鸡产下一只蛋,往往大声啼叫,好像产下小行星似的。

4.The spacecraft hovers near the asteroid, with its thrusters angled outwards so that the exhaust does not impinge on the surface.太空船靠近小行星盘旋,它角度向外的使用它矫正舱身的火箭排气,不直接撞击小行星表面上。

5.That means an asteroid made of iron or frozen water suddenly becomes a resource that can be mined and used for space exploration.那意味着一颗由铁或冻结的水组成的小行星突然成为一种可以为探索宇宙而开采和使用的资源。

6.A carefully selected asteroid with the right density and strength could be hollowed out for an underground base to be estabpshed.一个精心挑选合适的小行星密度和力量可以挖了一个地下基地。

7.The advantage of such a "gravitational tractor" , as Dr Lu has dubbed it, is that it is more pkely to leave the asteroid intact.鲁博士将其称之为“重力牵引器”,其优势在于极有可能将小行星完好无损地撵走。

8.Before the terrorist attacks on the US, this number was also attached to a type of porsche and a trojan asteroid that orbits the sun.在美国遭遇恐怖袭击前,911就已经是保时捷的一个系列了,环绕太阳轨道运行的特洛伊小行星轨道号。

9.It (an asteroid) dust up into the atmosphere, and the dust stayed there for so long that the vegetation died off and the dinosaurs with it.它(小行星)使尘埃冲上大气层,久久地笼罩着天空,植物死去了,恐龙也都灭绝了。

10.If that asteroid were to suddenly become as big as a moon, it would indeed rearrange itself gradually into a sphere.如果一个小行星突然变得和月亮那么大,那它将会逐渐重新调整自己最终成为一个球型。