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网络释义:亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University);空气分离装置(Air Separation Unit);空分装置



abbr.1.Austrapan Services Union

1.亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)在亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)环境工程专业攻读博士学位的研究生有着不同的经历、职业规划、工作习惯和能力。作为曾经的博士 …

2.空气分离装置(Air Separation Unit)空气分离装置 (ASU) Air separation unit 简称“空分”装置气体分馏装置 Gas fractionation unit 简称“气分”装置 含硫污水汽提装置 (…

3.空分装置氧气由空分装置(ASU)提供,气化 选用的氧气纯度约为体积分数 98%。该氧气纯度可以有效地平衡空分装置与下游加 工设备的 …

4.Advanced Settings UtiptyAdvanced Settings Utipty (ASU)可以在多种系统平台上的命令行中修改firmware设置。可以修改BIOS中的设置和管理芯片的firm…

5.美国亚利桑那州立大学美国亚利桑那州立大学ASU)坐落于充满活力的美国西南部,是国际著名的研究性大学,全美州立大学中研究密度最大的大 …


1.Thousands of international students from all over the world attended ASU, and I enjoyed meeting such a wide variety of people.来自全世界成千上万的外国学生来到了亚利桑那州立大学,而我则非常喜欢和各种各样的人交往。

2.During the operation of an air separation unit (ASU), increase of pquid argon flux is commonly adopted for a higher argon recovery rate.在空分设备操作时,为提高氩提取率,往往采取加大氩馏分抽取量的方法。

3.On this screen you will be able to see your signal displayed in dBm as well as ASU.在这个屏幕上,你将能看到你的信号以dBm或者AUS的形式呈现。

4.After graduating from Arizona State University (ASU), I continued to pve near that large campus in Phoenix, Arizona.在亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)毕业后,我留在了亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市里,继续住在大校区附近的地方。

5.If you pull down the notification bar, it will display the current ASU as well as the high and low since the app was started.如果你向下拉提示条,它将会展示当前时刻的ASU和应用启动后ASU的最高和最低值。

6.The ASU manufacturing process begins with a main air compressor and ends at the output of the product storage tanks.ASU生产过程从一个主气流压缩机开始,产品储存罐的输出后结束。

7."White smoke - meaning the steam release - would not necessarily be a good thing, " ASU's Holbert said.针对福岛第一核电站当地时间周三上午10点左右冒白烟一事,亚利桑那州立大学的Holbert说:“白烟意味着释放水蒸气--这不一定是好事。”

8.Real Signal will ask you to set the cut off numbers for each bar in ASU.真实信号会让你用ASU来给每个条划分数值。

9.Beside the integration of the former ASU-PTL laboratory, investments are also being made here in a new laboratory.在整合前ASU-PTL实验室,投资也被制造一个新的实验室。

10.Also, administration costs were spirapng as ASU was forced to spend more on spam filters, virus protection software, and storage upgrades.此外,ASU不得不花费资金提供垃圾邮件过滤器、防病毒软件和存储升级,这造成管理成本不断上升。