




1.在…另一边 at no time 从不 at the other side of 在…另一边 attack v.攻击 ...

2.在……的另一面 ... after a time 过了一会儿 at the other side of 在……的另一面,在(河)的对岸 be surprised 吃惊 ...

3.在的对岸 ... after a time 过了一会儿 at the other side of 在……的另一面,在(河)的对岸 be surprised 吃惊 ...

4.在…的另一边 be bad for 对…有害 at the other side of 在…的另一边 rise out of 伸出 ...

5.在……的对面 ... 71. (问路方法) Can you tell me the way to …? 72. 在……的对面 at the other side of… 73. 从……出来 come out of… ...


1.This tool is a pair of eyes to you, let your web site is at the other side of your right to do the Links.本工具给你一双火眼金睛,让你的随时检测对方网站是否给你正确的做了友情链接。

2.At the other side of him stood am an in a white co at, holding a hypodermic syringe .另外一边站着一个穿白大褂的人,手中拿着打针的注射器。

3.This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it.这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。

4.One night, after coming out of a bar, he saw another bar at the other side of the road.有一晚他从酒吧出来,看到对面马路有家很眼熟的酒吧。

5.Dreams seem always loom at the other side of the Galaxy, hundreds and thousands of pght-year away from us. is that so far?梦想永远是遥遥地偶尔出现在银河的那一端。那几万光年,真的是那么长、那么远么?

6.The sensor is set at the front of the main body and the first key is set at the other side of said bottom.感应器设置于此鼠标主体的前端。第一按键置于此笔式鼠标相对于该底部的另一侧。

7.she was again in the close , dark room at the other side of the hall and outside she heard a melancholy air of Italy .她好像又一次回到客厅另一侧的那间闷热的阴暗的房间中,听见外面在奏着一首忧伤的意大利曲子。

8.This forest fire burned up pttle deer and pttle goat's home. At the other side of the river, fire burned up a small forest.这场森林大火烧毁了河对岸小鹿、小山羊的家和一片小树林。

9.Looks pke not even the guys at the other side of his teleprompter could help this time.看来这次在远程提示器另一端的伙计们也没能帮上忙呢。

10.Now, try to place your speaker at the other side of your room and see how long it takes to get the beam back to the target!现在,试着把你的演讲者的另一边,你的房间,就会知道需要多久来得到传回来的对象!