




1.攻击 run out of 用完,耗尽 attack on 攻击… dependence on 依靠 ...

2.对……的进攻 ... 21. arrangement for 对……的安排 如: 22. attack on 对……的进攻,评击 如: 23. attempt at 尝试 企图 如: ...

3.评击 ... 21. arrangement for 对……的安排 如: 22. attack on 对……的进攻,评击 如: 23. attempt at 尝试 企图 如: ...

4.限制攻击关 /set 数字 调整人物金钱 /attack on 限制攻击关 /mmake 删除怪物 ...

5.限制攻击开 /char off gm 隐身关 /attack on 限制攻击开 /attack off 限制攻击关 ...


1.After getting the lay of the land of the enemy's side, the commander-in-chief ordered an immediate attack on their land.当他们了解了对方的情况以后,总司令命令部队马上向那个地区发起进攻。

2.one of his books is a bitter attack on the french academy , to which he never belonged.他著有一本激烈抨击法兰西学院的书,可是他同这个学院从来没有什么瓜葛。

3.Or will the crisis worsen into a more serious attack on the leadership of the company?抑或,危机将升级为对公司领导层的一场更加严重的冲击?

4.Murdoch has not left the seat, but took off his glasses, trying to prevent the attack on the head.默多克一直没有离开座位,只是摘下眼镜,试图防止头部遇袭。

5.Airborne attack on the enemy team was, they do not hide in an abandoned castle.空降兵队遭到敌军偷袭,它们躲进了一个抛弃不用的古堡。

6.Up to 12 people are reported to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a minibus carrying foreigners near the Afghan capital, Kabul.阿富汗首都喀布尔附近一辆载有外国人小型公交车遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,多达12人死亡。

7.And Mr Singh's resistance to calls for an attack on Pakistan after the Mumbai bombings did not emerge as an election issue.孟买爆炸案发生后有人呼吁打击巴基斯坦,辛格对此采取反对立场,这点没有成为选举的争论点。

8.Ramadan was standing in front of the rubble of a health cpnic that he said had been demopshed by a pre-dawn attack on Monday.Ramadan站在一家诊所的废墟前称,这个诊所是在周一黎明前被摧毁的。

9.The United States had a good radar system and it was able to predict the attack on Pearl Harbor an hour before it happened.美国有了一个良好的雷达系统和它能够预测珍珠港事件前一小时发生。

10.On the next, there was an attack on a woolen mill employing many Chinese workers.第二天,一家雇用大量华工的羊毛针织厂也遭到了围攻。