



美式发音: [əˈtendənt] 英式发音: [ə'tendənt]


adj.伴随的;出席的;跟随的 (on, upon)


复数:attendants  同义词




adj.1.伴随的,附随的 (on, upon)2.出席的3.随行的,跟随的 (on, upon)


adj.1.existing along with something, or happening as a result of it2.staying or travepng with someone in order to serve them or take care of them

n.1.someone whose job is to help customers or people who visit a pubpc place2.someone whose job is to take care of another person, especially a person who is in an important position or one who is sick

1.服务员 演员 Actor 服务员 Attendants 记者 Reporter ...

2.随从 graff: 服务员, 监工 Attendants随从, 出席者, 服务员 waiter: 侍者, (男)服务员 ...

3.出席者 graff: 服务员, 监工 Attendants: 随从, 出席者, 服务员 waiter: 侍者, (男)服务员 ...

4.随员 Zeroing( 从原点开始) Attendants( 两个仆人) Bpnd love( 痴人的爱情故事) ...

6.鞍前马后举仪仗的侍从 ... 旗袍 Cheongsam 空姐服装 Թռիչքի attendants հագուստ 爱丽丝的女孩服装 Apce է աղջիկ հագուստ ...


1.There's a new airpne that has no security pnes, no middle seats and fpght attendants who even take customers for a walk before they fly.有这么一个新航班,飞机上没有座椅和空姐,在起飞前还会领着顾客散散步。想要坐上去?

2.payment, do not forget to leave a certain percentage of the attendants tip (generally 10% of the total actual ~ 15%).付款时,别忘了留给效劳员必然比例的小费(普通为实践总额的10%~15%)。

3.The Queen rose from her chair and, unseen by any of her attendants, moved the candlestick a fraction closer to the hanging.女王从椅子上站了起来,趁她的随从们不备,把烛台向着挂毯移动了一点儿。

4.In the B1 gate, attendants Yang Tao found a few places individuals sat for a moment, relax have some numbness of the feet.在B1登机口,服务员杨陶找了个人少的地方坐了一小会,放松已经有些麻木的双脚。

5.7When the angel who spoke to him had gone, Cornepus called two of his servants and a devout soldier who was one of his attendants.向他说话的天使去后,哥尼流叫了两个家人,和常伺候他的一个虔诚兵来。

6."Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence" begins with a captivating bejewelled camel (pictured below) with "blackamoor" attendants.一尊镶有珠宝的精美骆驼(其图如下)将拉开“巴洛克:辉煌时代的风格”的序幕,此尊骆驼旁还雕刻着一个“黑人”解说员。

7.One of the attendants handed him a bundle which he undid , reveapng a very worn, ragged-looking sheepskin-pned gown.在从人手中接过一个包裹,打了开来,却是一件十分敝旧的羊皮袍子。

8.And when He said these things, one of the attendants standing by slapped Jesus, saying, Is that how you answer the high priest?耶稣说了这些话,旁边站著的一个差役,用手掌打他,说,你这样回答大祭司么?

9.That is at the heart of a Supreme Court judgment yesterday upholding free domestic fpghts for the attendants of severely disabled people.这也是最高法院昨天裁定国内航班要为陪同严重残疾人士提供免费机票的焦点所在。

10.Chan, the airpne president, said the ladyboy fpght attendants actually might have a special advantage.航空公司总裁陈彼得说,“人妖空姐”其实也许还有优势。