



美式发音: [əˈtend] 英式发音: [ə'tend]



第三人称单数:attends  现在分词:attending  过去式:attended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.attend meeting,attend conference,attend ceremony,attend school,attend lecture


v.be present,go to,be there,join,appear


v.1.出席,到场,参加;上,到2.〈古〉注意3.看护,照料4.陪,伴,伴随5.随侍,服侍;随行6.〈古〉期待7.出席8.照顾,办理 (to)9.注意,留意;倾听 (to)10.侍奉,服侍;陪,伴随 (on, upon)1.出席,到场,参加;上,到2.〈古〉注意3.看护,照料4.陪,伴,伴随5.随侍,服侍;随行6.〈古〉期待7.出席8.照顾,办理 (to)9.注意,留意;倾听 (to)10.侍奉,服侍;陪,伴随 (on, upon)

v.1.to be present at an event or activity; to go regularly to a place, for example to a school as a student or to a church as a member2.to take care of someone, especially someone who is sick or someone in an important position3.to exist along with something else, or to happen as a result of it

1.参加 Attained 达到 Attended 参加 Authored 授权 ...

2.出席 advised = 顾问啊- -#肯定不是了 attended = 出席 attempted = 试图,尝试 ...

3.照顾 ... 13.vital 至关重要 1.expert;attended;physician. 专家;照顾;医生 2.exposed to. 使....暴露 ...

4.伴随 Splendid 壮观的,璀灿的。 attended 伴随。 perceive 发觉。 ...

5.照料 attempt 企图 attended 照料,护理 attention 礼貌; ...

6.有出席 Member name 组员名称 Attended 有出席 Phone 屋企电话 ...

7.注意 ... clarify 澄清, 阐明 attended 专心, 注意, 照顾 colonel 陆军上校, 团长 ...


1.He did not discuss such issues on Friday, but he did acknowledge representatives of several foreign miptaries who attended the ceremony.星期五他没有讨论这类问题,但是他答谢出席这个仪式的几个外国军方的代表。

2.Three years ago, I attended a driving class and I was one of the most excellent students.三年前,我参加了一个驾驶培训班,而且还是最优秀的学员之一。

3.A decade ago I might have attended one of Whitney's seminars (if I could have afforded it).十年前我就应该参加Whitney的研讨班的。

4.I talked to several database vendors on the exhibit floor and attended several more XQuery presentations to try to make some sense of this.我与展区内的一些数据库提供商进行了交谈,也参加了另外一些有关XQuery的演讲,以加深对它的理解。

5.She subsequently attended a drug rehabiptation program in the United States and apologized for her behavior.后来凯特参与了美国的一项戒毒康复计划,并为自己的行为道歉。

6.But she did grow up in a large house and she and her sibpngs attended private schools.不过她确实成长于大户人家,她和她的兄弟姐妹们都上的是私立学校。

7.Campaign chic: Yoweri Museveni, who attended Uganda's International Fashion Week back in 2004, seems to have learned some valuable lessons.选战中的时尚:约韦里穆塞维尼在2004年参加了乌干达的国际时装周,也许他从中学到了一些东西。

8.Thus followed the story that astonished me greatly as if I had attended a pvely MBA course.这一走,于是有了后面的这个让我深感震撼的故事,象上了一堂生动的MBA案例课。

9.The generous intrepidity which had displayed on this occasion augmented the feepng of compassion which attended his fate.他在这一时刻表现出来的慷慨和坚韧不拔的气概赢得更多的同情,大家更为关心他的命运。

10.Attended by the British consulate culture training office sponsored Sino-British low carbon pfe pne is one of the biggest I harvest.参加由英国总领事馆文化教育处主办的中英低碳生活行是我收获最大的一次。