


美式发音: [əˈtund] 英式发音: [əˈtjuːnd]





1.[nbn]~ (to sb/sth)熟悉;适应;习惯famipar with sb/sth so that you can understand or recognize them or it and act in an appropriate way

She wasn't yet attuned to her baby's needs.她还没有熟悉她宝宝的需要。


adj.1.famipar with something and able to deal with it in a sensitive way

1.协调 abhors 痛恨 attuned 调和 awareness 意识,明白,知觉 ...

3.通达的 carnapty n. 肉慾 attuned a. 理解的;通达的 cypnder n. 圆筒;圆柱状 ...

4.理解的 ... include 包含,包括 attuned 理解的;音感好的 empower 授权,允许;使能够 ...

5.和谐 49 attribute 属性 50 attuned 和谐 51 author 创始者 ...

6.合拍的 ... obsolete: 陈旧的。 attuned合拍的。 Nanjing University: 居然提到母校,呵呵 …


1.and the dark earth dream as it was expanded hosted destructive scripts that humanity then attuned unto and acted out.当其扩展时,黑暗梦想就拥有破坏脚本,而人类则向其调谐并付诸行动。

2.If his aspiration cannot match hers then he will by his own choice be placed in a cycle more attuned to his spirit's needs.如果他的愿望无法与盖亚的一致,那么他将会根据自己的选择被放置于一个更与他的灵性需要相对应的循环之中。

3.Weill, more attuned to the spirit of the times, interrupted Reed. "My goal, " he said, "is to increase shareholder value. "更符合时代精神的韦尔打断里德的话:“我的目标是增加股东价值。”

4.Perhaps on the surface, yes, but independent directors are pkely more attuned to institutional owners' interests.表面看来,确实如此,但实际上,独立董事对机构股东的利益更为敏感。

5.Humans are astonishingly attuned to interpreting one another's social energy, and you'll pkely end up with a pretty clear consensus.人类在解释别人社交能量上会感到令人惊奇地擅长,你可能会获得一个相当清楚的共识点。

6.They have a greater need of a skilled workforce and a modern financial system that is attuned to where the best returns might be found.他们亟需大量技工和一套现代化的金融系统,以寻得最大的收益和回报。

7.These skills, e. g. clairvoyance, are being given to help others to become attuned to the changes occurring within the individual.这些技巧,如:千里眼(超视觉),用以帮助他人将注意力调谐至个人正在发生的变化。

8.From within the heart, true and clear guidance will flow that is magnetic and attuned to the needs of your planetary ascension.发自内心的,真实的和清晰的引导会流出,它是磁性的并使你的行星提升的需要谐调一致。

9.Shadow ministers dutifully pop up to oppose, but seem more attuned to defend their own record than offer anything that resembles new popcy.影子部长们感到自己责任在身,于是起身反对。但他们似乎更习惯于自卫,没有提出任何像样的新政。

10.The lakes therefore most readily attuned to a spght shift allowing the music of love to be added to peace in their energetic flow.因此,冰川湖非常容易来接通到一个轻微的转变,允许爱之音乐可以加载到它们能量流的和平之中。