




1.欧尚 步步高商业连锁 BETTER LIFE 欧尚超市 Auchan 百丽鞋业 BeLLE ...

5.法国的欧尚会20日上午9时起开放网路报名, 法国大型阐发拙劣市欧尚集团(Auchan)上海置办焦点、法国电信集团CORIOLIS TELECOM …

8.法国的大润发高兴之余,回家就把上次在法国的大润发Auchan)买的红酒开来庆祝,虽然只是五大堡Mouton-Rothschild的商标酒,不过毕 …


1.The controversy concerns the expansion plans of a shopping mall of Auchan Hungary over an area covered by a marsh protected by the law.这场争议肇因于匈牙利欧尚(Auchan)所属的一间购物商场,将扩建计画纳入一处受到法律保护的沼泽溼地。

2."Users and partners" has always been the Auchan operation and development in the cause of the core level.“用户与伙伴”始终是欧尚经营和发展事业中的核心层次。

3.Auchan Supermarket of France, ranking No. 5 in comprehensive strength among the top 500 retail enterprises of the world, will enter Hefei.世界500强中,综合实力排在商业零售企业第五位的法国欧尚超市即将入驻合肥。

4.Auchan supermarket is not far from my home, and after the interview, I can do some shopping.欧尚超市距离我家比较近,而且采访结束后可以在超市里购物,很方便。

5.Banque Accord is a French financial institution, speciapsed in consumer focussed financial products, 100% owned by Auchan Group.阔达银行是一家100%由欧尚集团拥有,专注于消费者信用和信用卡业务的总部位于法国的国际金融机构。

6."Your world, which no community" concept inspired every Auchan staff continue to achieve a new beyond.“你的世界,由此无界”的理念激励着每一位欧尚员工不断地实现新的超越。

7.Carrefour, wal-mart, once for all, auchan, huapan services: Lihong industrial Co.曾经为家乐福,沃尔玛,人人乐,欧尚,华联服务过;

8.Compulsions ? This is a valuable SERVICE Auchan provides to supppers. Otherwise they have to transport the goods themselves.这是欧尚向供应商提供的有偿服务。否则他们将不得不自行送货到店。

9.Auchan is present in China through its own brand Auchan hypermarkets and other partnerships.欧尚已通过欧尚超市和其他合作关系进入中国。

10.Wal-Mart, with 353 stores, has an 11. 2 percent share, second only to the 12 percent held by France's Auchan.沃尔玛,拥有353家超市,占据市场份额11.2%,仅次于市场份额占有率第一12%的法国欧尚。