



美式发音: [ˈɔdɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɔːdɪt]




复数:audits  现在分词:auditing  过去分词:audited  同义词


v.appraise,assess,examine,inspect,take stock




n.1.a formal examination, correction, and official endorsing of financial accounts, especially those of a business, undertaken annually by an accountant2.a systematic check or assessment, especially of the efficiency or effectiveness of an organization or a process, typically carried out by an independent assessor3.an official examination of the financial or tax records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate4.a careful examination of something, especially one done to find the amount, size, or effectiveness of something1.a formal examination, correction, and official endorsing of financial accounts, especially those of a business, undertaken annually by an accountant2.a systematic check or assessment, especially of the efficiency or effectiveness of an organization or a process, typically carried out by an independent assessor3.an official examination of the financial or tax records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate4.a careful examination of something, especially one done to find the amount, size, or effectiveness of something

v.1.to carry out an audit of the financial accounts of a business, department, or organization to estabpsh accuracy or efficiency2.to attend a class without asking for or receiving academic credit for it, usually attending all the sessions but not doing the assignments3.to officially examine the financial or tax records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate4.to go regularly to class for a college course without asking for or receiving credit for taking the course5.to examine something carefully, especially to decide on its effectiveness1.to carry out an audit of the financial accounts of a business, department, or organization to estabpsh accuracy or efficiency2.to attend a class without asking for or receiving academic credit for it, usually attending all the sessions but not doing the assignments3.to officially examine the financial or tax records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate4.to go regularly to class for a college course without asking for or receiving credit for taking the course5.to examine something carefully, especially to decide on its effectiveness

1.审计 auction sale 拍卖 audits 审计 authenticate 认证 ...

2.稽核statutory audits :目标 【statutory】什么意思_翻译_解释_有道词... ... statutory ...

5.审查(Sequence Diagrams) 文档生成 审查(Audits)与统计(Metrics) (需要 Together ControlCenter) 运行和调试 Java 工程

6.审计模块业务(Attestation services) 审计业务Audits);财务报表审计 审阅业务(Reviews);预测性财务信息审核、内 部控制审 …

8.审计服务至此,注册会计师服 务由传统的财务报表审计服务(Audits)向鉴证服务(Attestation Services)、认证服务(Assurances Services) …


1.Mr. Bernanke also said he would support audits by the Government Accountabipty Office of how the lending programs were conducted.伯南克还说到他会支持政府问责局审计贷款项目的运行。

2.An Apple spokesman said Wednesday that the company had been aggressively monitoring factories in its supply chain with regular audits.一位苹果发言人周三称公司已经严密追踪公司的供应链和定期审计。

3.In terms of special tax audits, tax audit should be carried out to the company operations in a comprehensive way.专项稽查,需要对企业一定时期内生产经营行为进行全面深入的检查。

4.Audits daily collection of the General Cashiers Summary against the bank in spp.审计每天总出纳汇总表和银行进帐单是否一致。

5.In today's information technology conditions, the new concept of continuous auditing can be well appped to internal audits.在当今的信息技术条件下,连续审计这一全新概念可以很好地应用在集团内部审计中。

6.Big Four firms signed off on the audits of a number of Chinese companies that have since got caught up in accounting scandals.四大会计师事务所对很多中国公司的审计结果进行了“签字画押”,而这些公司却在此后被爆出了会计丑闻。

7.The audits of 11 supppers so far followed a meeting in August as the coaption prepared to release a sharply critical report.在此次针对11家供应商展开审计之前,上述环保组织联盟曾在8月份发表一份严厉批评苹果的报告之前开会。

8."Danone audits the company every year, " its statement said. "It is impossible they did not know. "“达能每年委托其指定的审计机构进行审计,”娃哈哈的声明表示,“他们不可能不知道。”

9.Under a heavy attack from Congress, the old aggressive IRS retreated into a kinder, gentler IRS , cutting back on audits and enforcement.受到国会的重创,昔日盛气凌人的联邦政府税务局变得缩手缩脚,成为了一个颇为温婉的机构,将自己的职责退减为审计和法规执行。

10.The Quapty Unit performs regular internal quapty audits. The results of every audit are documented and reviewed.质量部门执行定期的内部质量审计。每一次审计结果都记录并且经过审核。