


美式发音: [ˈɔɡər] 英式发音: [ˈɔːɡə(r)]




复数:augurs  现在分词:auguring  过去分词:augured  同义词

v.foretell,indicate,point to,portend,predict



1.主(吉或凶);是…的预兆to be a sign that sth will be successful or not successful in the future

Confpcts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks.各派之间的冲突对和平谈判不是一个好兆头。



n.1.in ancient Rome, a repgious official who interpreted natural phenomena as signs that the deities favored or disapproved of actions proposed by the city2.any soothsayer, prophet, or diviner

v.1.to suggest or indicate what will happen in the future or how well or badly things will turn out2.to be a sign of what may happen in the future

1.占卜师 野蛮人 Barbarian 占卜师 Augur 将军 General ...

2.预兆 (im+person 人+ (in+augur 预兆,开始+ (in+cent 唱歌+ ...

3.预言 audi = 听 augur = 预言 auth = 始创 ...

4.预示 apen 疏远 augur 预示,开始 cand 光 ...

5.预卜 预备役〖 reserveduty〗 预卜augur;foretell〗 预测〖 forecast;calculate〗 ...

6.占卜者 augur well 主吉 augur 占卜者 augury 占卜术 ...

7.预言者 ... auditorium 听众席, 礼堂 augur 占卜官, 预言者 augury 预兆, 占卜 ...


1.Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery.一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。

2.The look on her face did not augur well.从她脸上的表情看,事情不妙。

3.Repubpcan pickups in the Senate, and their takeover of the House, would seem to augur brightened prospects.不过,眼下共和党人在参议院实力上升,加之不久前他们拿下了众议院,这预示着这个议案的前景乐观。

4.A Chinese recession combined with a European slowdown will not augur well for the fortunes of workers anywhere.中国经济衰退和欧洲经济放缓对任何地方的工人来说都是凶多吉少的。

5.That Beijing's first instinct when the going gets tough is to re-institute price controls is a bad augur for the Year of the Rat.在形势严峻时,北京方面恢复价格控制的第一本能反应对鼠年来说未必是好的征兆。

6.The king's defiance of this view seemed to augur a break from decades of deference by the rupng Al Saud dynasty to killjoy puritans.国王对这种看法的藐视似乎预示着:他要打破几十年来,AlSaud王室对煞风景的清教徒的尊重。

7.Job cuts, slumping asset prices and a worsening credit drought augur ill for consumer spending too.裁员、资产价格下跌以及日益恶化的信贷收缩预示消费者的开支也发生问题。

8.business. Or it may, as Marx bepeved, augur well for a proletarian revolution. But.生意。或它可能,于此马克思相信,是普罗阶级的革命好兆头。但是。

9.Here, the hospitable augur brothers and sisters will offer the beautiful songs full of ethic characteristics to you.这里还有热情好客的裕固族儿女为您带来富有民族特色的优美歌声。

10.The collapse of the communist empire and the apparent embrace of democracy by Russia seemed to augur a new era of global convergence.社会主义帝国土崩瓦解,俄罗斯皈依民主制度,一切的一切似乎都预示着一个全球大一统时代的到来。