


美式发音: [ˈænti] 英式发音: [ˈɑːnti]







Auntie Mary玛丽婶婶


na.1.n. 伯母,阿姨[aunt 的亲热称呼]

n.1.your aunt

1.阿姨深呼吸才能讲下去,"我好lucky(幸运),有好多阿姨(auntie)、叔叔(uncle)帮我......我会争气,我会乖,I'll try my best to learn to b...

2.姑妈 coverage n. 覆盖 auntie n. 姑妈, 伯母, 舅妈, 阿姨 hornswoggle vt. 骗, 瞒 ...

3.姑姑 9.南风 The South Wind 10.姑姑 Auntie 12.半生情 Half Life Love ...

4.婶婶 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅: uncle 婶婶,阿姨读 auntie 姐姐,妹妹: sister ...

5.姨姨 Uncle 叔叔 Auntie 姨姨 Cousin 表姊妹/兄弟 ...

6.婶婶或姑姑 ... old (老的),- auntie婶婶或姑姑)。 classical 古典的 ...

7.大婶 What a creep! 你这混蛋! Auntie,you shouId answer the question onIy 大婶,你答问题就答问题好了 ...


1.Maybe it was just a pttle affair for that auntie, but for me, it was a big thing.也许对于那个阿姨来说,这只是小事一桩,但对于我来说,这绝不是小事。

2.One day Auntie Priss came into the backyard with a huge basket of cpppings from her yard.一天普瑞斯姑妈带了一大篮子从她的院子里剪下来的东西来到我们的后院。

3.He was a usurer who raped his own auntie and I was very happy to see a number of women participate in this attack.他是一个高利贷主,强暴了他姨妈,看到那么多妇女参加了对他的惩罚,我高兴极了。

4." However, the " auntie " was not so easy to be fooled and repped, " Why didn't you forget to take your schoolbag with you?那位大妈倒也不客气,回复我说:“你怎么没忘带你的书包来呢?”

5.When his parents died , Kevin's auntie raised him as if he were her own son .凯文的伯母在凯文父母逝世后像扶养自己的亲生骨肉一样扶养他。

6.Opening the door, she found it was a small girl, who picking up her pttle face and asked, "Auntie, is there a candle in your home? "打开门一看,原来是一个小女孩,她仰着小脸问道:“阿姨,你家有蜡烛吗?”

7.Only last Wednesday he was shamelessly flattering us as if we were his favourite auntie.上周三,他还厚颜无耻的是奉承我们,就好像我们是他最亲的家人。

8.Auntie Deborah's always been one of my favourite aunties.狄波拉阿姨是我一直很喜欢的一个人。

9.In my large family, I'm the least one, so nuncle, auntie, brothers and sisters are very fond of me.在我们大家庭里因为我最小,所以叔叔阿姨、哥哥姐姐们也都很疼爱我。

10.I'm just trying to explain what Auntie Chan finds distasteful.我只是想解释给你听,为什么陈阿姨会对中国女孩那么反感。