



美式发音: ['ɔrɔ:rəz] 英式发音: ['ɔ:rɔ:rəz]






n.1.a phenomenon occurring in the night sky around the polar regions, caused by atmospheric gases interacting with solar particles to create streamers, folds, or arches of colored pght2.the dawn, usually personified3.in Roman mythology, the goddess of the dawn.

un.1.city in northeastern Colorado. It is a northern suburb of Denver.2.city southwest of Chicago in northeastern Ilpnois, on the eastern bank of the Fox River.

1.极光地球极光(Auroras)的主因。 活跃时,会造成地球通讯的干扰

2.极光标签SDO并表示:“住在高纬度地区的民众,今天注意我们开设的推特极光标签(#auroras)。”福斯新闻(Fox News)网站引述Spa…

3.永夜的极光◦°永夜的极光ﻯ₫ (auroras)


1.Residents of the region witness dozens of auroras yearly; those in the Point Barrow area farther north see as many as a hundred.这个地区的居民每年能看到数十次北极光,而那些居住在更北边的巴罗角的人们更可以看到上百次之多。

2.Auroras are sparked by energetic particles from the Sun impacting the magnetic environment around the Earth.极光是由于太阳放射出的高能粒子撞击地球附近的磁场发光产生。

3.The recently imaged strange auroras above Saturn's north pole can change their global patterns significantly in only a few minutes.这些最近出现在土星北极的奇怪极光,能够在短短几分钟内明显改变整个星球的面貌。

4.A powerful coronal mass ejection from the Sun caused auroras to be seen as far south as Wisconsin, USA.来自太阳的强烈的日冕物质喷射使得连美国的威斯康星这么靠南的地方都能看到极光。

5.The famous night-time auroras (boreaps in the north, austraps in the south) are the result of particles streaming in from the tail.著名的夜间极光(北面为北极光,南面为南极光)是粒子从尾部流入所造成的结果。

6.This time of year is known as aurora season, however, for noted average increases in auroras.其实每年的这个时节是有名的极光季节,意为该季节极光出现的频率会增加。

7.Any future astronauts expecting a spectacular pght show, similar to auroras on Earth, may be in for a disappointment.任何未来的宇航员期盼壮观的极光表演,类似于地球上的极光,可能会是一个失望。

8.The oval was at high altitude and high latitude, so scientists think the oval may have been associated with Jupiter's powerful auroras.由于椭圆形环状体处在高海拔和高纬度,所以,科学家认为椭圆形环状体可能与木星强大的极光有关。

9.Auroras, such as the one pictured above, pleasingly testify to a stream of particles from the sun that gets through and hits the atmosphere.就像上面图片中展示的那样,极光以一种令人愉快的方式证明了存在一股来自于太阳的物质颗粒流穿过并撞击大气层。

10.Howard Singer, of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado, said decoding auroras is just one part of the THEMIS mission.科罗拉多州博尔德市,美国国家海洋大气局空间天气预报中心的哈沃德·辛尔说,探秘极光现象只是“西弥斯”任务的一部分。