


美式发音: [ɔː'tɪstɪk] 英式发音: [ɔː'tɪstɪk]





adj.1.showing evidence of autism, e.g. failure to use language and perceive surroundings in the expected way

1.自闭症 ... hospice 收容所 autistic 自闭的 expedition 探险、考察 ...

4.孤独症患者 ... infirmarian 看护病人者 autistic 孤独症患者 babysitter 幼儿照看者 ...

5.自闭倾向,日益强调不计真实性而只追求“可证性”的带有某种“自向症”(autistic)的纯形式主义数学推导,形成不食人间“语言”烟火的 …

7.自闭特质• 自闭特质(Autistic)– 语言发展慢,沟通不良,较没有社会互动行为,会特别集中注意在某特定事物,刻板模式• 復健治療– 早期…


1.But Nelson is something of a radical, and the autistic community is sppt on his view.但是Nelson属于比较激进的一派,他的观点在孤独症人群中也是有争议的。

2.Even sometimes, when the communication skills are there, an autistic child may seem to have no interest in communicating.有时,可是孩子对已有的交际技巧毫无兴趣。

3.She had already become an early member of the National Autistic Society and soon began to instigate and fund research into the condition.她很早就成为了全国孤独症协会的会员,并很快投入到针对孤独症发起的研究和筹措基金的活动中。

4.Empathy is one of those skills autistic children typically lack; this boy wasn't supposed to be aware of his teachers' frustration.共鸣是自闭症儿童典型性缺乏的技能之一;他们根本没指望这个男孩能了解他老师的沮丧。

5.Our GP referred me to the National Autistic Society's diagnostic centre and for the next few months I too was assessed.我们的社区GP(医师)建议我到国家孤独症社会诊断中心,我也被评估了一次。

6.Simsii is a beautiful but autistic woman. She hides herself in dark apartment all day long, waiting for return of her busy husband.杜鹃是个美丽而自闭的女人,终日躲藏在黑暗的公寓里等待着忙碌的丈夫归来,同时幻想着男邻居强壮性感的身体。

7.Growth experience of every person must have been the feel pke an autistic child.成长是每个人必须经历的,一直的觉得自己是个自闭的孩子。

8.Women who are exposed to mercury, cadmium, or vinyl chloride before conceiving seem to be especially pkely to have autistic kids.女性在怀孕期间接触汞、镉或氯乙烯很有可能会生出自闭症患儿。

9.Dr Murray and I bepeve that people with autistic traits are part of the normal variety of human beings and that variety is a good thing.Murray博士和我认为,有孤独症特征的人属于正常人中有差异的一群,而有差异是好事情。

10.But I think I was one of the first autistic people to promote the idea that autistic people can and should speak up for ourselves.但是,我认为我是最先倡导孤独症患者可以而且能够为自己说话的患者之一。