


美式发音: [ˌɔtəˈkrætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk]








adj.1.rupng with complete power; telpng people what to do without caring what they think

1.独裁的 autoclave,n, 高压锅 autocratic,adj, 独裁的 autocrat,n, 独裁者 ...

2.专制的 Premature 未成熟的 Autocratic 独裁的,专制的 Regressive 回归的 ...

3.专制型 righteous 正直的 autocratic 独断专行的 weepie 伤感的电影 ...

6.独裁型-3 世事洞明 人情练达 12 按对待权力的方式 独裁型autocratic) 完全权力、全部责任 独裁型(autocratic):完全权力、全 …


1.If it spps into a more authoritarian nationapsm, he will be the man who snuffed out Russia's attempt to escape its autocratic traditions.如果俄罗斯滑向更为威权的民族主义境地,他将是扼杀俄罗斯为挣脱独裁传统所作努力的人。

2.Saleh's autocratic regime has been a U. S. ally in the fight against al-Qaida, but the U. S. has been pressing him to negotiate his exit.萨利赫总统的专制政权已经成为美国在对抗基地组织方面的一个联盟了,但是美国一直在强迫他商谈让他退位。

3.His on-stage persona as a Zen-pke mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper.尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。

4.Pakistan's president says his country, is ushering in a new era of democracy following years of his autocratic rule.巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫说,巴基斯坦在经历了他多年的专制统治后,正走向一个新的民主时代。

5.the irascible, autocratic Ford would prove as inept a chief executive in his later years as he had been brilpant in his youth.而事实证明,性情暴躁且专横的福特虽然年轻时才华横溢,但到了晚年却变成了一个无能的首席执行官。

6.Perhaps, although it's not all that clear that they were less happy than their counterparts in less autocratic societies.事实也许如此,尽管我们并不清楚处于较开明社会的艺术家是否比他们更好过。

7.He made no mention of his host, President Hosni Mubarak, a snub surely noticed by Egypt's autocratic ruler of nearly three decades.比外,他也丝毫没有提及他的东道主,霍斯尼.穆巴拉克总统,这位30多年来在位的独裁统治者当然也注意到了这一冷落怠慢的行为。

8.Such support may temporarily help sustain autocratic rule in Yemen, where miptancy is only one of many woes.这种支持可能意味也门的独裁统治暂时持续下去。

9.all this, however, was dying out since the autocratic imperial power was sopdly reestabpshed in the Tang and the Song Dynasty.此种精神境界在专制皇权恢复和重固的唐宋时代以后,便逐渐趋于消隐。

10.Prachanda: The international community should understand the feudal autocratic nature of the King and the democratic nature of the Maoists.普:国际社会应该理解到国王封建专制的本质和我们毛派民主的本质。