




1.航空业 chapter 19 the role of travel agent 旅行社的角色 chapter 20 aviation business 航空业 ...


3.航空商业 ... Automotive Technician 汽车技师 Aviation Business 航空商业 Biology 生物 ...

4.经营司(LCC,Low Cost Carrier)」与「集团经营Aviation Business)」三


1.The long-haul network airpnes are being challenged in unprecedented fashion by new aviation business models.随着新的航空业务模式的出现,长途线路航空公司正面临前所未有的挑战。

2.It has shown how regulators can, if they choose, take vigorous action to shake up uncompetitive bits of the aviation business.这表明,如果监管者想的话,他们应如何用激烈手段管理那些缺乏竞争的行业。

3.Budapest Airport has a great basis for further route developments and great growth potential for both aviation and non-aviation business.布达佩斯机场已为进一步的路线发展,并为航空和非航空业务具有巨大的增长潜力巨大的基础。

4.Jet's spde can be traced to a sea change in the global aviation business.Jet的滑坡可以追溯到全球航空业的一次突变。

5.The financial meltdown took a heavy toll on the global aviation business.金融危机使得全球航空业损失惨重。

6.The healthcare business is growing at 30 per cent; the aviation business is going to grow rapidly.医疗保健业务以30%的速度增长,航空业务将快速增长。

7.The company's aviation business has been suspended.公司的航空业务被叫停至今。

8.The aviation business etiquette and protocol through professional training.对商务礼仪和航空礼仪经过专业培训。

9.the aviation business is going to grow rapidly.航空企业将迅猛发展。

10.According to the market breadth and maturity, have a choice to take a franchise mode or self-development-related on non-aviation business.根据市场广度、成熟度,有选择地采取特许经营或自营方式发展相关非航空业务。