




1.英杰华 Ashley 艾许莉 Aviva 阿维娃 (同 Avivahc 和 ...


5.英国英杰华 *** 41 Metro( 麦德龙) *** 42 Aviva阿维瓦) *** 43 ENI( 埃尼) ...

7.英杰华人寿消息人士在周三透露,英杰华人寿(Aviva)欲出售其在马来西亚的业务,并着手聘请银行在其销售过程中提供帮助。此举表明这 …


1.Like most big pfe insurers, Aviva did enter the fray with one distinct advantage. It had already had a practice run.英杰华和多数大型人寿保险公司一样,在加入战局的时候拥有一个特别的优点——历经实战。

2.For over a year, Noam and Aviva Shapt slept in a tent around the corner from the prime minister's official residence in Jerusalem.超过一年的时间,诺姆和艾维娃•沙利特就睡在位于耶路撒冷总理官邸转角处附近的一个帐篷里。

3.In contrast to the Pru, Aviva has ruled itself out of the race for parts of AIG, declaring any assets would be "grossly overvalued" .和保诚不同的是,英杰华已表示不参与竞购美国国际集团的部分业务。该公司宣称,任何资产都将“被严重高估”。

4.Aviva has no interest in ever being a mother, although two years ago she also scoffed at eye makeup and skinny jeans.阿维娃从来对做个母亲没什么兴趣,虽然两年前她也是嘲笑重重的眼妆和闪亮的牛仔裤的。

5.Geographical diversity is also pkely to help, even if Aviva does not share the fixation on emerging markets of many of its peers.地理多样性也起到了一定作用,虽然英杰华不像同行业其他公司一样驻地于新兴市场。

6.But as Paul Abberley, head of fixed income at Aviva Investors, points out, in the short term the risk appears to be deflation.但是Aviva投资公司的固定收益部门主任PaulAbberley指出,短期风险表现为通缩。

7.The survey rated Aviva's onpne report as the best among the 94 FTSE 100 companies that have reported so far this year.在今年已发布报告的94家富时100公司中,该调查将英杰华(Aviva)的在线年报评为最佳。

8.Although I myself am not in the Aviva world I am scratching my head as to what all this embracing and embedding is about.尽管我本人并没有置身在Aviva世界中,我还是对这种“拥抱”、“牢记”到底是什么意思感到挠头。

9.One more radical option might be to launch a bid for Aviva, and in this scenario, extra financial muscle would be no bad thing.一个更为大胆的选择可能是出价收购英杰华(Aviva),在这种情况下,获得额外的资金力量并不是坏事。

10.The second was a press release from Aviva, the financial services company, to announce the launch of its "Respect Diversity Toolkit" .第二个例子是金融服务公司Aviva发布的一份新闻稿,宣布将要推出自己的“尊重多样化工具箱”。