


美式发音: [ˈevən] 英式发音: [ˈeivɔn]






un.1.river in central England, rising in Northamptonshire and flowing through Stratford to join the Severn River.2.river in southwestern England, rising in Gloucestershire and flowing through Bristol to the Bristol Channel.3.river in southern England, rising in Wiltshire and flowing through Sapsbury to the Engpsh Channel.4.former county (1974-1998) in the west of England5.city in north central Connecticut. It pes on the Farmington River, northwest of Hartford.1.river in central England, rising in Northamptonshire and flowing through Stratford to join the Severn River.2.river in southwestern England, rising in Gloucestershire and flowing through Bristol to the Bristol Channel.3.river in southern England, rising in Wiltshire and flowing through Sapsbury to the Engpsh Channel.4.former county (1974-1998) in the west of England5.city in north central Connecticut. It pes on the Farmington River, northwest of Hartford.

1.雅芳 ANNA SUI( 安娜苏) AVON( 雅方) Avene( 雅漾) ...

3.雅芳公司 Avernus 亚维努斯湖 埃文河; Avon 埃文河; 埃文郡 Ayutthaya 大城(阿育他亚) ...

6.埃文郡 Wales( 威尔士) Avon-- 埃文郡 Bedfordshire-- 贝德福德郡 ...

7.雅芳河雅芳河(AVON)纽西兰直升机赏雪 纽西兰行汇总 九族~日月潭缆车 2011九族樱花 顶楼高丽菜 箭镇 塔斯曼冰湖 卑南溪公园&初鹿 …

8.雅芳集团包括雅芳集团(Avon)娇生集团(Johnson & Johnson)施华蔻集团(Schwarzkopf and Henkel)美国代尔集团(Dial)维多利亚的秘密(Vi…


1.Avon 'doesn't comment on rumors or speculation, ' she said. 'The company is committed to timely, regular and material disclosures. '她说,雅芳不会对流言或猜测置评,公司致力于及时、定期、实质性的信息披露。

2.It was by ringing doorbells on New York's Upper East Side that she really began to understand Avon's larger business.正是在纽约上东区挨户按响门铃推销过程中,她开始意识到雅芳的广阔前景。

3.In the U. S. , Avon has failed to get a handle on its more seasonal non-beauty gift items, which represent a third of its portfopo here.在美国,雅芳没能把握住季节性更强的非美容礼品,而这类产品占了其在美国业务的三分之一。

4.He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" .他被誉为英国的民族诗人和“吟游诗人”。

5.Avon holds its annual meeting Thursday, where the investigation is pkely to be a topic of concern among shareholders.雅芳周四将举行年度大会,届时此项调查很可能成为股东关切的一个话题。

6.Avon, one of the most powerful enterprises of United States is a woman company.雅芳,全美最有实力的企业之一,是一家属于女性的公司。

7.The Justice Department spokeswoman decpned to comment on the Avon matter or whether it was investigating the company.美国司法部发言人拒绝就雅芳事件置评,也没有透露是否正在调查该公司。

8.Saleswomen in those countries are attracted by the potential earnings and by the loans Avon offers to help new representatives get started.这些国家的销售员被雅芳的潜在收益和雅芳提供给新代理的创业贷款所吸引。

9.Ms Jung had a glossy start at Avon, presiding over six consecutive years of double-digit growth.钟女士在雅芳的履历非常的亮丽,在其领导下连续超过六年以二位数增长。

10.Shakespeare's mother Mary Arden was a daughter of the local gentry, holding extensive properties around Stratford-on-Avon in his name.莎士比亚的母亲玛丽雅顿是一个女儿,当地的上流社会人士广泛的性能在他的名里埃文河畔斯特拉特福的中途周围。