


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɔːkwədnəs]








1.笨拙 awkwardly 笨拙地 awkwardness 笨拙 awl 锥子 ...

2.尴尬 backwardness 落向 awkwardness 笨拙, 不雅观 forwardness 卤莽, 早熟, 热心, …

4.困窘 awfully ad. 令人畏惧的;很 awkwardness n. 笨拙,困窘 barbarism n. 野蛮,未开化 ...

5.笨拙感 restricted identity and freedom 自我认同与自由限制 awkwardness 笨拙感 ...

6.基金重仓股 awkwardly 尴尬地 awkwardness U尴尬 awl 锥子,尖钻 ...

8.不舒服 arrogant 傲慢的 awkwardness 不舒服 bash (美国俚语)派对 ...


1.And no wonder, considering its awkwardness and pmitations; a new one was one of the features promised for Vista and dropped.这并不奇怪,考虑到命令行的笨拙与限制;这里有一个例子就是Vista允诺提供后来又放弃的那个命令行。

2.Prince Andrey, who obviously wished to repeve the awkwardness of Pierre's position, got up to go, and made a sign to his wife.显然,安德烈公爵想冲淡一下皮埃尔说的尴尬话,他欠起身来,向妻子做了个手势,打算走了。

3.She spoke so low that he hardly heard the last phrase; but in his awkwardness he took it up.她说得声音很低,他几乎没听清最后几个字,不过却在尴尬中理解了其要点。

4.I knew we might go on pke this, without speaking, all through the meal without any sense of awkwardness.我知道我们可以这样一声不吭地埋头吃饭,一直到把饭吃完而不感到有什么不自在。

5.The awkwardness of searching for him lay in enpghten Epzabeth, a proceeding which her mother could not endure to contemplate.去寻他,就要向伊丽莎白说明,这是一个难题,怎么说法呢,是她母亲不敢考虑的。

6.Most of my customers are friendly, though not to the point of awkwardness.我的客户大多友善可亲,不至于到尴尬的地步。

7.Here even my manifest the awkwardness with which the Borromean knot, the very type of the knot, is necessarily manipulated.在此,即使是我的证明是笨拙,波罗米因结,这种的结,还必须如此笨拙地操作。

8.I repped stiffly, less out of the prejudice of two decades than from the awkwardness of our meeting.我的回答是生硬的,这并不是由于二十年来的偏见,而是由于我们会见的场合尴尬。

9.Suddenly, a bunch of my playmate stood opposite curious, doubt looked at me some awkwardness figure.突然,我的一群玩伴站在对面好奇、疑惑地望着我有些狼狈的身影。

10.Dr. Walsh said the flag issue prompted more awkwardness than swagger among those who are building and testing the new submersible.沃尔什博士表示,对于正在建造并测试该新型潜水器的人来说,插旗问题激起的更多的是尴尬,而不是得意。