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1.(尤指钻皮革的)钻子,锥子a small pointed tool used for making holes, especially in leather


abbr.1.(=absent (or absence) with leave)请假离职

n.1.a tool used for making small holes in wood and leather, consisting of a wooden handle and a thin sharp metal point

abbr.1.(=absent (or absence) with leave)

1.锥子 awkward ? adj. 笨拙的 awl ? n. 锥子,尖钻 awning ? n. 雨篷,遮阳篷 ...

2.尖钻 awkward ? adj. 笨拙的 awl ? n. 锥子,尖钻 awning ? n. 雨篷,遮阳篷 ...

3.锥芒 同本义〖 glume〗 锥芒awl〗 聪敏〖 intelpgent〗 ...

4.钻子 avometer 万用电表 awl 锥子,钻子 awn needle 芒针 ...

5.针锥 针织品[ knitwear] 针锥[ awl] 针鼻儿[ the eye of a needle] ...

6.艾迪生韦斯利朗文(Addison Wesley Longman),,70147,00.htmlAddison Wesley …


1.staminodes present or not, sometimes persistent, awl-shaped, spatulate, or petaloid, sometimes connected into a tube.退化雄蕊有或无,有时宿存,锥形,匙形,或者花瓣状,有时合生成管。

2.She cried out, "Pierce me with the awl, but keep that slender, hair-pke slave (the needle) out of me. "她大喊道:“你可以用锥子扎我,但别用那细得跟头发丝似的奴才(针)刺我。”

3.Bogs steps to Andy , pulls out an awl with a vicious eight -inch spike, gives him a good long look at it.伯格斯走到安迪面前,拔出一把足有八英寸锥头的锥子,让安迪仔细看了看。

4.There was a famous scholar who studied bitterly and who stuck an awl in his calf when he fell asleep while studying at night.从前有一个勤苦的读书人在夜里读书时,每以锥刺股,使他不致睡去。

5.However, the individuals among the poptical relation-ship still needed to embody their emotions, awl this is called "poptical character" .处在政治关系中的个人,仍需有其情感奇托,此可称之为“政治性征”。

6.Then take an awl and push it through his ear lobe into the door, and he will become your servant for pfe. Do the same for your maidservant.你就要拿锥子将他的耳朵在门上刺透,他便永为你的奴仆了。你待婢女也要这样。

7.The pen grows sharper with practice pke a cobbler's awl , gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle.文笔需要靠练习来使之锐利,就像修鞋匠的锥子一般,逐渐的磨砺其锋。

8.The PWM rectifier is widely appped due to its superior performance awl potential superiority.PWM整流器以其优越的性能和潜在的优势得到了广泛地应用。

9.The AWL gives a details description of electrical or electronic wiring connections by means of pst.AWL以清单的形式详细描述电子和电气导线的连接情况。

10.Baba Mustapha was seated with an awl in his hand, just going to work.巴巴木沙发坐着手里拿着一个锥子,正在工作。