


网络释义:美国自来水工程协会(American Water Works Association);美国自来水厂协会;美国给水工程协会标准


1.美国自来水工程协会(American Water Works Association) AWS |美国焊接协会 AWWA |美国自来水工程协会 BHMA |[美国]建筑小五金制造商协会 ...

2.美国自来水厂协会 AWT 自动试井 AWWA 美国自来水厂协会 ax belt 手斧腰带 ...

3.美国给水工程协会标准 AWS 美国焊接协会标准 AWWA 美国给水工程协会标准 BHMA 美国建筑小五金制造商协会标准 ...

4.亚洲妇女福利协会(Asian Women's Welfare Association) DIN 德国国家标准 AWWA 美国水道工作协会标准 JPI 日本石油学会标准 ...


1.AWWA has received many calls and e-mails from members offering expertise to help Haitians address water-related issues.AWWA已经寄到了许多电话和邮件,提供专业意见帮助海地人民解决与水相关的问题。

2.Allows for the installation of the backflow preventer "at the service connection" in accordance with AWWA Standards.允许在“维修连接处”安装防回流阀,符合美国自来水厂协会的标准。

3.This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification.此文件是美国自来水厂(AWWA)标准,不是规范。

4.The action becomes effective on the first day of the month following the month of Journal AWWA pubpcation of the official notice.修改的条款会在发布正式通知后下一个月的第一天生效。

5.AWWA encourages its members to direct immediate offers of assistance to disaster repef agencies on the ground in Haiti.AWWA鼓励它的成员对目前在海地的救济机构提供直接及时的协助。

6.North American Pipe's AWWA C-900 PVC product pne is manufactured to meet the needs of modern municipal water distribution systems.北美AWWAC-900塑料管生产线主要是为了满足现代市政配水系统的需求。

7.AWWA 150# class "D" Carbon Steel Flanges offered as standard. 150# class "D" Stainless Steel Flanges upon special request.美国自来水厂协会(AWWA)150#类别“D”碳钢法兰为标准配置。可根据特殊要求提供150#类别“D”不锈钢法兰。

8.AWWA Standard for Fabricated Stainless Steel Spde Gates装配式不锈钢推拉门的AWWA标准