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复数:axes  同义词反义词


v.cut,cut back,scale down,spm down,downsize




1.a tool with a wooden handle and a heavy metal blade, used for chopping wood, cutting down trees, etc.

2.[sing](informal)(遭)解雇;倒闭;被停业if sb getsthe axe , they lose their job; if an institution or a project getsthe axe , it is closed or stopped, usually because of a lack of money

Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggpng Merseyside firm.默西赛德的一家艰苦挣扎的公司有多达 300 名工人面临被解雇。

Patients are depghted their local hospital has been saved from the axe.病人高兴的是当地医院得以免遭关闭。


She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety.她毫无私心,这样做只是出于对他们安全的担忧。

have an axe to grind有私心;有个人打算to have private reasons for being involved in sth or for arguing for a particular cause

She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety.她毫无私心,这样做只是出于对他们安全的担忧。


1.(informal)~ sth精简(机构等);大量削减(经费等)to get rid of a service, system, etc. or to reduce the money spent on it by a large amount

Other less profitable services are to be axed later this year.其他盈利较少的服务预计今年稍晚将大量削减。

2.(informal)~ sb解雇;开除to remove sb from their job

Jones has been axed from the team.琼斯已被开除出队。

3.~ sb用斧把…砍死to kill sb with an axe




n.1.The singular of ax

na.1.The variant of ax

1.斧 精灵匕首 ElvenDagger Axe 战斧 BattleAxe ...

2.斧头 斧斤〖 axe〗 斧头axe〗 斧凿〖 axandchisel〗 ...

3.斧子 Sledgehammer( 拆迁锤) axe斧子) Sniper rifle( 狙击枪) ...

4.战斧 assassin_dagger= 刺客匕首 battle_axe= 战斧 battle_hammer= 战锤 ...

5.狂战士斧 battle_hammer= 战锤 crag_axe= 狂战士斧 elven_bow= 精灵弓 ...

6.斧王 斐乐 Fila 艾科 AXE 汤姆·福特 Tom Ford ...


1.But it was not an axe they heard--only a branch which still hung on a withered tree, and was moved up and down by the wind.但是他们听到的不是斧子--只是一条灌木一直绑在一颗干枯的树上,风把它吹的一动一动的。

2.The travellerhad to fight his way out through the tropical forest with an axe.旅行者不得不用斧头在热带森林里砍出一条路来。

3.This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman's head up which has been severed from her body.这里好像是写到一个男子用一把血淋淋的斧头砍下了一个妇人的头。

4.One shows a man whose bloody skull has been hacked into as if by an axe, to show that cigarettes increase the risk of stroke.其中一张图上是一个男人血淋淋的头颅,像是被斧头劈开的,为的是说明香烟会增加中风的几率。

5."I must just try that, " said the boy, and went to a tree, tore off the bark with his axe, and rubbed it with one end of the plaster.“我得先试试,”小伙子说罢走到一棵大树前,用斧子砍掉一小块树皮,然后用那玩意儿的一头在破损处摩擦了一下。

6.He had wild hair, bulging eyes, and wielded an axe and a sword as he danced in a wreath of fire.他有着狂野的长发,淡褐色的眼睛,手里拿着拿着一把斧头和一把剑在或权重跳舞。

7.An employee with an axe to grind may try to circumvent data protection measures by pasting a portion of a document into a chat window.别有用心的员工可能会将文件的一部分粘贴到聊天窗口,以绕开数据保护措施。

8.He had some of it in his shed then. There were marks of an axe and of woodpeckers on the butt.那时候,他家里还留着一点,在底部还有斧痕和啄木鸟啄过的痕迹。

9.At the end of the indenture, the laborer was given a rifle, an axe and a bag of corn, and went off to make his own farm in the wilderness.契约期满后工人只得到一只枪,一把斧头和一袋粮食,然后离开,到荒原中去建立自己的农场。

10.Near by there stood an ancient forest which had never been profaned by the axe.附近有一片老林,还从未遭受过斧头的蹂躏。