


美式发音: [ˈæʒər] 英式发音: [ˈæʒə(r)]







1.天蓝色的;蔚蓝色的bright blue in colour pke the sky




adj.1.bright blue

1.天蓝色 天籁〖 soundsofnature〗 天蓝色〖 cerulean;azure;skyblue〗 天朗气清〖 fine〗 ...

2.蔚蓝 蓝色 blue 蔚蓝 azure;sky blue 月光蓝 moon blue ...

3.蔚蓝色 CadetBlue 军校蓝 Azure 蔚蓝色 LightCyan 淡青色 ...

4.天青 葱青 onion green 天青 celeste;azure 霁青 sky-clearing blue ...

5.蔚蓝的 autobiography:n. 自传 3。 azure:adj. 蔚蓝的 4。 adolescent:adj. 青春期的, 青春的 5。 ...

6.天蓝色的 axle 轮轴 azure 天蓝色的 baby 婴儿 ...

7.湛蓝 栅栏 fence 湛蓝 azure 法兰西 France ...


1.Whenever he again thought of her in his dreams, it was not as of an angel with azure wings.每逢他在梦中再想到她的时候,他可不是想到一位具有天蓝色翅膀的天使。

2.When the sunshine breaks out, azure tones appear as the angry clouds chase over the sea, making it a patchwork quilt of color.当阳光透过云彩照射下来,海水湛蓝的色调开始慢慢呈现,怒云追逐着海水,整个海面如同覆盖上了一床彩色的棉被。

3.Now, under a clear azure sky, with the wind filpng his sails, he had weighed his anchor and was saipng towards his chosen destination.现在,天空晴朗湛蓝,风儿正吹满蓬帆,他朝着亲自选定的那个目标启碇开航了。

4.We Fly fly, and flew to the sea, the sea is so blue, from afar, and the azure blue of the sky have been connected together.我们飞呀飞,飞到了大海上,海水是那么蓝,远远望去,已和湛蓝湛蓝的天空连在一起了。

5.Developers will now also be able to run apppcations written in non-. NET languages on Azure, thanks to the addition of support for FastCGI.开发者也可以在Azure上运行非.Net语言编写的应用,这得感谢新增添的对FastCGI的支持。

6.her eyes were of a deep, celestial blue, but in that veiled azure, there was, as yet, nothing but the glance of a child.她的眼睛是深蓝色的,但是在这蒙蒙的天空中还只有孩子的神气。

7.The most common bird-sound I used to hear was the clack of a handsome azure-winged magpie as it rummaged through my crab-apple tree.我听到的最普通的鸟叫声是漂亮的灰喜鹊发出的咯咯声,它常常搜查我种的山楂树。

8.In May of 1826, the fair-haired youth with the azure blue eyes set out for Europe to turn himself into a scholar and a pnguist.1826年5月,朗费罗这位长着一头金发和一双深蓝色眼睛的年轻人动身前往欧洲,目的就是想让自己成为一名学者和语言学家。

9.The azure sky appeared to be so near and the clouds cast their shadows on the mountains.天很蓝,感觉很近,云在山上落下影子。

10.Azure Grid provides you with a base solution template to which you add apppcation-specific code.AzureGrid为你提供了一个基础的解决方案模板,在其中你可以添加特定于应用程序的代码。