



美式发音: [ˈbeɪbi] 英式发音: ['beɪbi]





复数:babies  现在分词:babying  过去式:babied  搭配同义词

adj.+n.premature baby

v.+n.adopt baby,lose baby,baby change,expect baby,depver baby





1.婴儿;动物幼崽a very young child or animal

The baby's crying!婴儿在哭!

a newborn baby新生儿

My sister's expecting a baby(= she is pregnant) .我姐姐怀孕了。

She had a baby last year.她去年生了个孩子。

a baby boy/girl男婴;女婴

baby food/clothes婴儿食品╱服装

a baby monkey/blackbird幼猴;黑鹂雏

2.(informal)(家庭或团体中)最年幼的成员the youngest member of a family or group

He's the baby of the team.他在队里年纪最小。

3.幼稚的人;孩子气的人a person who behaves pke a young child and is easily upset

Stop crying and don't be such a baby.别哭了,别这么孩子气。

4.宝贝儿,心肝儿(尤用于对爱人的昵称。男子用以称呼不相识的女子则有冒犯之嫌)a word used to address sb, especially your wife, husband or lover, in a way that expresses affection but that can be offensive if used by a man to a woman he does not know

IDMbe your/sbs baby(informal)(计划或项目)就像某人的孩子一样(因亲自制订而尽心负责)to be a plan or project that sb is responsible for and cares about because they have created it

He changed to another job and we were left holding the baby.他换了工作,把活儿甩给我们。

leave sb holding the baby(informal)(突然)把重大责任推给某人to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important that is really your responsibipty

He changed to another job and we were left holding the baby.他换了工作,把活儿甩给我们。

throw the baby out with the bathwater(informal)把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉(丢弃不想要的东西的同时失去宝贵的东西)to lose sth that you want at the same time as you are trying to get rid of sth that you do not wantadj.

1.[obn](蔬菜)小型的,幼嫩的baby vegetables are a very small version of particular vegetables, or are picked when they are very small

baby carrots小胡萝卜


1.~ sb婴儿般对待;百般呵护to treat sb with too much care, as if they were a baby



n.1.a very young child who cannot yet talk or walk. A baby who is old enough to walk is a toddler; a very young animal2.a project or piece of work that you care about a lot, especially because it was your idea3.someone who is behaving in a way that is weak, silly, or not brave4网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone you love, especially to someone you are in a romantic relationship with or to your child; used by some men when they are talking to a young woman. Many women find this offensive.5.the youngest member of a family or other group1.a very young child who cannot yet talk or walk. A baby who is old enough to walk is a toddler; a very young animal2.a project or piece of work that you care about a lot, especially because it was your idea3.someone who is behaving in a way that is weak, silly, or not brave4网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone you love, especially to someone you are in a romantic relationship with or to your child; used by some men when they are talking to a young woman. Many women find this offensive.5.the youngest member of a family or other group

v.1.to treat someone pke a young child when they are old enough to do things for themselves

adj.1.baby vegetables are smaller than usual and have a sweeter taste

1.婴儿 tomato—tomatoes????? 但有例外???如?? baby—babies? 婴儿?????? story—stories?? 故 …

2.阳光宝贝 grandfarther 外公 babies 宝宝 brother 弟弟 ...

4.宝宝的世界观 ... 科学世界观 : scientific world view 宝宝的世界观Babies 主宰性世界观 : dominant worldview ...

5.婴儿音效 ... 24:America( 美洲音效) 27:Babies( 婴儿音效) 41:Trains( 火车音效) ...

6.婴孩 Towels 毛巾 Babies 婴孩 Kids 儿童 ...

7.孩子个现代英国剧本里的片断。剧的名字叫《孩子》(Babies),作者是简纳森·哈纬(Jonathan Harvey),剧本的背景是伦敦东 …

8.婴幼儿 [作者] 朱喆 ZHU Zhe [关键词] 婴幼儿;书籍设计;学习;交互;多元 babies;book design;learn;interactive;di…


1.It is almost as if the continent stopped having babies when the European Community, as it was then known, was formed.似乎在欧洲共同体(EuropeanCommunity)(欧盟当时的名字)成立的时候,欧洲大陆就停止了生育。

2.She was up and around the same day, with her hands full, for she was tending both babies.她当天就起床,到处忙碌,两手都抱着孩子,因为两个孩子都归她照料。

3.A few days later, two peonies appeared at the place where the babies had fallen, growing more than one foot in a single night.数日后,坠儿处生牡丹二株,一夜便长尺许,当年开花,一紫一白,朵大如盘。

4.In the last issue of the journal Pediatrics, there was a very small yet fascinating study on the effects of Mozart on premature babies.在上一期的儿科杂志上,有一个关于关于莫扎特效应对早产儿的影响的非常有趣的研究。

5.We had given up trying to save the forest but were thinking only of saving our homes, famipes and babies.我们已经放弃了试图拯救森林,但只有拯救我们的家园,家庭和。

6.My servant has seen them together a score of times, handed, reading babies in one another's eyes pke--you know.我的佣人看见他们在一起一二十次了:手拉着手,我望着你,你望着我出神,就象——你是知道的。

7."In that moment of babbpng, babies seem to be primed to take in more information, " he said.“在学话的这个阶段,婴儿似乎做好了准备吸收更多的信息,”教授说。

8.She made the sacrifice to stop teaching for a few years to stay home with our two youngest babies, and they are so much better off for it.她牺牲了几年的教学工作时间,只为在家好好抚养我们两个最小的孩子,他们长得非常好!

9.After a while the babies stopped looking for so long in the direction of the face and music - they "habituated" to it.过了一会儿,宝宝们停止在脸和音乐的方向这么长时间的寻找——它们已经“习惯”这些了。

10.Babies who are bottle-fed until the age of two are more pkely to be obese when they start school, a US study suggests.一项美国研究显示,到两岁都还喝奶的婴儿,上学后更可能过胖。