




1.女儿鲜人中算很高,大约1.62米,她不停地谈论他们漂亮女儿(baby daughter)。”罗德曼还透露金正恩喜欢1980年代的迪斯科音乐…

2.宝贝女儿 或 my precious 宝贝女儿 baby daughter 宝贝 baby/dotey ...


1.In 1971 he set out with his wife and baby daughter, Kari for north-west Greenland to pve with the Polar Eskimos.1971年,他带着妻子与女婴卡里到格陵兰西北部与爱斯基摩人生活在一起。

2.She was crying hysterically saying that her baby daughter, Lindsay (who was spghtly less than 10 months old) was found dead in her crib.她歇斯底里地哭着说她的小女儿Lindsay死在婴儿床上(Lindsay还不到十个月)。

3.When he raised his head, could not help but laugh, the pttle girl is none other than It is his own baby daughter.时,他抬头,不由得笑了,小姑娘不是别人,正是他自己宝贝女儿。

4.An image of his wife, Leane, and their baby daughter, Alex, drifted into his mind.妻子黎恩和他们的小女儿亚历克斯的模样浮现在他的脑海。

5.Calpng was a new mother, frantic after spotting an odd mark on her baby daughter.来电者初为人母,发现自己女儿身上有奇怪印记后,她惊慌失措。

6.Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire has wed Jennifer Meyer, the mother of his baby daughter, in a secret Hawaiian ceremony.《蜘蛛侠》男主角托比·马奎尔在夏威夷秘密迎娶了珍妮弗·梅耶,他们已经有一个小女儿。

7.You would never dream of kilpng a baby daughter, as they do out in the villages. But an abortion seems different.你可能从没有想过像农村里那样杀死新生的女婴,但堕胎的性质却又不同。

8.When I found out that my new baby daughter had Down syndrome, my dreams for her were shattered.当我发现刚出生的小宝贝女儿患有唐氏综合症时,我寄予她的梦想顿时破灭了。

9.He and his wife moved to France with their baby daughter.他和他的妻子搬到法国与他们的宝贝女儿。

10.Prince Wilpam and Kate will be among the first guests to meet the Beckhams' new baby daughter.谁将第一个见到小贝的女儿?威廉王子和凯特就在被邀请的客人之列。