



美式发音: [ˈbeɪbiˌsɪt] 英式发音: 



第三人称单数:babysits  现在分词:babysitting  过去式:babysat  同义词

v.look after,protect,tend to,mind,watch



v.1.to take care of children in their home while their parents are not there, especially in the evening2.to stay with or take care of a person or thing that you do not want to be left alone

1.当临时保姆 124277 attacker n. 攻击者 123850 babysitting n. 当临时保姆 124067 ban bAn v. 禁止;取缔 ...

2.照看孩子 11 Watching TV 看电视 13 Babysitting 照看孩子 15 Playing toys/games 玩玩具/游戏 ...

3.照顾小孩 ... 2 babysitting( 照顾小孩,是说他在家里照看妹妹) 3 visit( 游览,我夏天常常去海滨国家游览) ...

4.看顾小孩 baby-sit v. 临时照顾幼儿 babysitting n. 看顾小孩 housework n. 家务,劳动…

5.一修社区中心提供的看小孩过了12岁,想课余给人看看孩子,挣点零花钱,可以修一修社区中心提供的看小孩babysitting)课程,修完后,也是有一个 …


1.But even when he trades combat gear for diapers and juice boxes, it's not just a babysitting job -- it's an adventure!但是即使当他为尿布和汁盒子交易战斗齿轮,它不只是一个临时替人看顾小孩工作--它是一种冒险!

2.Wait till the Good Lord provides me with a clutch of grandchildren, so I can occupy my evenings babysitting ?等着好心的上帝给我一群孙子的羁绊,这样我就可以用看管小孩来打发我的晚上时间?

3.She had to look for babysitting jobs up the ying-yang these years to make a pving .这些年来为了谋生,她不得不去找很多当临时保姆的活儿。

4."The best training for preteen babysitters would be to have them complete a babysitting course, " Hackman says.“对青春期前临时保姆最好的训练,就是让她们完成儿童看护课程,”哈克曼说。

5.Do you think any of the cops outside would pke to do a pttle babysitting?你不知道这外面的警察就好像是在代人照看小孩吗?

6.Today, I was babysitting in a wealthy neighborhood. I walked in the door and the alarm went off and started blaring loudly.今天我给一个有钱的邻居照顾孩子,刚一进门警报就发出巨响。

7.At age eleven, I started babysitting and mowing lawns, and at the age of fifteen I appped for my lobster pcense.十一岁开始我就给别人当保姆、剪草坪,到十五岁的时候,我就申请了捕虾证。

8.You broke an expensive vase while you were babysitting at a friends house?如果你在朋友家当临时保姆时打破了一个很贵的花瓶你会做什么?

9.Just when a couple is able to afford to go out evenings , they're too busy babysitting with their grandchildren .当一对夫妇晚上终于有空出门的时候,他们却开始忙于照顾自己的小孙子了。

10.Langurs often share babysitting duties within a close-knit group of females and their offspring.在一个种群内的叶猴们经常互相分担照顾孩子的责任。