




1.巴切莱特巴切莱特Bachelet)女士主持的联合国妇女署在此方面与所有成员国一道做了出色的工作,其中有马丹•伊尔什(Martin Hirsch…

2.巴切连特智利人民14年前推翻了军政府皮诺切(Pinoche)的独裁统治,实行民主大选,巴切连特Bachelet)脱颖而出,赢得竟选。当 …

3.女总统巴切雷特*总统候选提名CERC问卷显示: 前女总统巴切雷特(Bachelet) 在得票率上依旧明显领先前女总统同时也在五名最有前途的政治人 …


1.Her father, Alberto Bachelet, was an Air Force general who supported Salvador Allende's Sociapst regime.她的父亲艾伯特·巴切莱特是一名支持萨尔瓦多·阿连德社会主义政权的空军上将。

2."Prevention is better than cure" , he argued in a reference to criticism of his predecessor, President Michelle Bachelet.他说,“与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然。”暗中批评前任总统米歇尔•巴奇莱特。

3.If Bachelet's story is hardly one of sweetness and pght, it probably is one the philosophical Garcia Marquez might have imagined.如果巴切莱特的故事不算是个甜美轻快的故事,那它也是理性的加西亚·马尔克斯可能已想到了的。

4.If the constitution did not prohibit consecutive terms, Ms Bachelet would be strongly placed to win the presidential election in December.假若宪法未禁止总统连任,MichelleBachelet极可能赢得今年12月举行的总统大选。

5.In Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, we found a global leader who can inspire milpons of women and girls around the world.在智利前总统米歇尔·巴舍莱身上,我们看到了一个能够激励世界各地千千万万妇女和女孩的全球领袖。

6.These included President Bachelet's decision to launch the system when almost none of the bus lanes and the technology was ready.包括总统巴切莱特在公交车道和技术几乎无一到位时就决定启动该项目。

7.But the new agency, U. N. Women and its executive director, Michelle Bachelet, are expected to have a strong influence on U. N. popcy.但新的机构,联合国妇女及其执行主任,巴切莱特,预计将有一个强有力的联合国政策的影响。

8.But Michele Bachelet is no figure of any pterary laureate's imagining.但米歇尔·巴切莱特与任何书面想象的戴着桂冠的形象并不符合。

9.His approval ratings in opinion polls have leapt over the past few months, as have those of his boss, Michelle Bachelet, Chile's president.民意调查显示,过去的几个月中Velasco的支持率大幅上升。同时,他的顶头上司,智利总统MichelleBachelet的支持率也一路攀升。

10.WHEN she was elected as Chile's president in January 2006 Michelle Bachelet promised to be a different kind of poptician.2006年1月MichelleBachelet当选智利总统时,她承诺要做一位不一样的政治人物。