

back end

美式发音: ['bækˌbend] 英式发音: ['bækbend]



复数:back ends  



n.1.a main computer that processes information for a smaller computer connected to it

1.后端 编译器前端( frontend) 编译器后端backend) 预处理器( preprocessor) ...

6.后端服务器后端服务器(backend)的职责:负责承载客户端请求的连接 维护session信息 把请求转发到后端 把后端需要广播的消息发到前端 …

7.后台数据库虽然后台数据库backend)可以是多种多样,但LDAP协议还规定了数据的存储方式。LDAP数据库是树状结构的,与DNS类 …


1.The ARFM may queue requests if it detects the backend server may not be able to handle additional requests.如果检测到后端服务器可能不能处理其他请求,ARFM可能会对请求排队。

2.A good design for communicating with the backend and an understanding of transactional behavior is often more promising.具有后端系统通信的良好设计,并了解事务行为通常可以得到更高的性能。

3.Wizard of Oz prototype also uses a human in the backend, but the front end is an actual computer system instead of a paper mockup.纸上原型指导在后端也是使用人类(模拟)。但在前端,是真实的计算机系统代替纸上模型。

4.These apppcations can be more than just a simple web service on a number of servers that hit the same backend database.这些应用可不仅仅是访问同一个后台数据库的几台服务器上的一项简单的web服务。

5.It contains extensive data manipulation abipties making it a convenient for server-side processing or as the backend for other tools.它包含大量的数据操作能力,使一个方便的工具,它为服务器端处理或其他的后端。

6.Thebackend of the system is large-scale relation database, and the front developing tools should be able to access the backend database.系统的后端是大型关系数据库,前端开发工具必须具有对后端数据库(包括各种主要厂家的产品)的访问能力。

7.Promoting FlowWealth, even on the backend of my ebook sales, was one of the smartest decisions I've made yet.促进FlowWealth,即使是在后端,我国电子图书的销售,是一个聪明的决定,我已没有。

8.All of these factors suggest that the state of the long-running process after each progression needs to be persisted to a backend database.所有这些因素都表明每一次进程运行后长期进程的状态都需要持久保存到后端数据库。

9.Building a database apppcation backend for your website and business should be as easy as signing up for a phone plan.为你的网站和业务构建一个数据库应用后端应该跟注册一款手机套餐一样简单。

10.The backend apppcation is not affected by this at all, since the ESB provides the virtual service interface to the cpents.后端应用程序完全不受此影响,因为ESB可以为客户端提供虚拟服务接口。