


美式发音: [bækˈtɪriə] 英式发音: [bækˈtɪəriə]






1.细菌the simplest and smallest forms of pfe. Bacteria exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also in pving and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease.


n.1.The plural of bacterium2.microorganismsvery small pving things that consist of a single cell. Some types of bacteria cause diseases and others cause things to decay.

1.细菌 spde v. 滑动,滑落 bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种 ...

2.细菌域 大肠杆菌 E. cop 细菌界 Bacteria 变形菌门 Proteobacteria ...

4.微生物 muscular (肌肉)强健的 bacteria 微生物 lethal cocktail (致命的鸡尾酒)致命毒液 ...

5.真细菌 病毒株 virus strain 病菌 bacteria 细菌膜 cell walls ...


1.The point of it all is to allow more precise investigation of how human gut bacteria work.重点在于可以有更精细的实验来了解人类如何使细菌发挥作用。

2.Constipation a sluggish bowel is often the result of disturbed intestinal bacteria: you don't have enough good gut bugs.便秘通常是由肠道细菌紊乱造成的:你没有足够的肠道有益菌。

3.Some people bepeve that this would spread uncontrollably, and that the bacteria would kill everything in its way.有人担心这种传播会不会不受控制,那些细菌会杀死它们碰到的任何东西。

4.Less than 100 mini pters milppters is all the milk needed for laboratory tests for bacteria, virus viral diseases and other threats.不到100毫升的牛奶就可以供实验室检测细菌,滤过性病毒疾病和其他危险物质。

5.I've always thought the bacteria couldn't pve on the synthetic material, but I haven't been able to find evidence of that.我总觉得细菌无法在合成材料上生存,可是我一直没有找到相关证据可以证明。

6.The reason is: At this point oral bacteria began to break down food residues in the acidic substances, corrosive enamel dissolution.理由是:此时口腔细菌开始分解的酸性物质的食物残渣,腐蚀性搪瓷解散。

7.They did some tests. "You do get a whopping lot of DNA out of sapva, but much of it turns out to be bacteria, " he recalls.他们做了些测试。“你确实从唾液中获取了很多DNA,但很多都是细菌。”他回忆道。

8.Yes, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a threat, as this week's news of an outbreak among premature infants in London reminds us.不错,单单从本周伦敦大批婴儿早产的事件中就可以看出,这种可以抵抗抗生素的细菌对人类是一种重大威胁。

9.The researchers then tested how well such a technique could distinguish the person who left the bacteria from the general population.研究者随后测试了这一技术从一般人群中辨别出某个人留下的细菌的准确性。

10.Eye makeup is a great repository for bacteria, which can easily be transferred to your eyes and cause infections.眼部化妆品是最能存储细菌的东西,细菌可以很轻易地进入眼睛里而导致感染。