

bad guy

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n.1.someone who does cruel or illegal things, especially in a book or movie

1.坏男人 2010-08-12 韩国电影坏男人。

8.坏痞子导演金基德继《漂流浴室》(Isle, The)和《坏痞子》(Bad Guy)后又一部情色题材的影片,《撒玛利亚女孩》再次将唯美 …


1.We couldn't make him a bad guy, but we've made him sort of amoral. ''我们无法使他成为一个坏家伙,但是我们已经使他不太道德了。

2.My parents asked me to stay away from him, saying that he was a really a bad guy; but I found that he was not as black as he was painted.我父母让我远离那个人,说他是个坏小子,但是我发现他并不像人们所说的那么坏。

3.You know, it vexes me that somehow I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room.你们知道吗,使我十分不爽的就是不知何故我成为了这房间里的大坏蛋。

4.Bulped children a good companion, when he played a bad guy played by the old people, to experience the kind of feepngs of being bulped.一个好欺负同伴的孩子,当他扮演一个被坏人打了的老人时,就体验了那种被人欺负的感情。

5.It's a way of introducing Grievous the way Vader was introduced to us, when he strangles that Rebel officer. You know he's a bad guy.鬼伏的登场与维德当年异曲同工,当他扼杀那位义军军官时,观众立刻知道他是个大坏蛋。

6.Tom was charming and eloquent and did not look the least pke the "bad guy. "汤姆很迷人很健谈,一点也不像电影里的“坏蛋”。

7.If you think about it, the bad guy is always the hero in his own story.仔细想来,其实坏蛋总是他在自己故事里当主角。

8.There was one bad guy. He took one person's stuff: a toy dog, a horse and a pet.坏人偷了一个人的东西:一个玩具狗,一个马和一个宠物。

9.On the surface, IBM appears to be the bad guy, supplying a malfunctioning database and then refusing to help when things turned bad.表面上,IBM看上去像是个坏孩子,提供了一份无法正常工作的数据库,并且在事情变得遭糕之后拒绝帮忙。

10.He might not be a bad guy for you, since he's always your daddy. But he's a bad guy for mommy.他对你来说可能不是坏蛋,他毕竟是你爸爸。但是他对我而言就是一个混蛋。