




1.林希儿 黑莓 BlackBerry 三星 Bada 乐 OS ...

5.麻麻 babyyun 的波妞 BADA麻麻) Bambi. 斑比 ...

6.重新开始friend(天王星&小不点)像中枪一样(白智英)卑恋(bada)最后,是我开了口(小贱)欠你的太多(小贱)走下去,别回头看我(网络歌手)以 …


1.Bada Czech Landowska, the general genius pianist, composer, her music style Qingp simple, but it unforgettable.巴达捷芙斯卡,这个天才一般的钢琴家、作曲家,她的乐曲风格单纯而清丽,却让人难以忘怀。

2.Trawl local antique shops and fairs for un-waxed pine furniture pke this (find them via bada. org or antiqueswebsite. co. uk).去当地的古玩商店或古玩市场搜罗这种没有打蜡的松木家具(通过baba.org或者antiqueswebsite.co.uk.找这些物品)。

3.And that, says Bada, is essentially what Miller's unpubpshed experiments showed.Bada说那是Miller没有发表的实验中揭示出来的。

4.After Miller left Chicago, he worked alongside Bada at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in San Diego.Miller离开芝加哥后他与Bada一起在圣迭戈的斯克里普斯海洋学研究所工作。

5.When Miller died in 2007, Bada inherited boxes full of his lab paraphernapa.当Miller2007年去世后,Bada继承了他做实验的几箱子物品。

6."It was probably converting these simple gases into amino acids, " says Bada.Bada说“很可能是这些简单气体转化成了氨基酸。”

7.In the following part, it uses the case study as the research method to analyze Zhejiang BADA Group.采用解剖典型案例的研究方法,对浙江八达集团进行了解剖。

8.But quietly so. Even when an archetypal Allen quip spps out, there are no eye-rolls, no grandstanding, no bada-boom.Butquietlyso.即使一句典型的艾伦式讽刺脱口而出,他也不会眨一下眼睛,不会有哗众取宠的表演或者bada-boom。

9.In recent years, Bada Shanren's research has achieved remarkable results.近年来,八大山人的研究取得了显著的成果。

10.Want some Bada on the side?想另外来点Bada吗?